Brexit, Byegium, Czechout, Departugal, Dexit, Grexit, Italeave, Latervia, Nexit, Oustria, Slovakout, Spexit, Swexit, and Finish

Found it very balanced. 10/10.

As an aside, reporting/recording of sexual offences is actually something most police forces want to go up it is (acknowledged to be) so underreported. Domestic violence too.


That was a joke you fucking retard, similar to when I tried to have you killed where you were staying in that refugee tank. Well, that one…

I want to ask him as he suggested before he doesn’t have an Asian wife…and therefore I presume kids, so that the comment I made might have been about no one actually, and his outrage was well exaggerated. Again, when I made it, and edited it his reply was, “backtrack , you wuss”

I didn’t see you challenge @Sidney when he made a racist joke on here?

Do you have a problem with any fella that’s married with kids ?
You fucking want pictures of my wife and kids !!!
You have a problem with @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy because he actually thrived and bettered himself while he went abroad !
Is bitterness eating you up over there as you ran away from being dumped by yer one in Ireland.

Its hard to know whether you’re acutely stupid or actually outraged.

Are you acutely a paedo
Or an outraged paedo

I have no issue with @glasagusban bar politics, but its arguable @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy @Sidney and @Brimmer_Bradley are the three most pathetic cunts on this site. All had plenty of time to attack me individually but just waited out of online cowardice for numbers, do ye think ye are funny here or smart, calling me a paedo now? Pussies

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It’s OK mate TSG is accusing you of being afraid of children. The thick Tipp cunt thinks the word means something else.

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The evidence suggests your a paedophobe mate.i find that disgusting

There’s nothing wrong with being afraid of children mate. They can be right evil bastards at times ( even your own or especially your own).

Easy enough mouth away at lads when you drop in that you know the moderators every now and again, total pussy


You realise it doesn’t make any difference to how shit your comment was?

Yes, but i wasnt exactly campaigning for the Holocaust here, theres been plenty comments like it. I edited it. hes faking outrage and some of the sites biggest losers are jumping on for the ride.

Take a break from the internet for a few days buddy. You’ve turned full weirdo in the last week. Get out and enjoy a bit of Canadian summer.


But lads can call me a paedo and they’re funny as fuck?

Take a break mate, you’ll thank me for it.

Your comments about my kids suggest your a paedophobe