Brexit, Byegium, Czechout, Departugal, Dexit, Grexit, Italeave, Latervia, Nexit, Oustria, Slovakout, Spexit, Swexit, and Finish

Does the terms of our monetary support (bonds etc) allow for us to leave with none penalty? Will we be on position to continue to access European funding as required?

On an immediate point I think it would mean removal of all agri subsidies which would decimate rural Ireland. Big picture might look OK but there are thousands of families only surviving due to CAP supports we ainā€™t getting that from UK. The multiplier effect of having this cashflow in rural Ireland will reverse meaning large amounts of ancillary businesses will struggle. How are companies like Kerry and Glanbia fixed if large proportions of their suppliers base go out of business?

I said this in another thread last week but I donā€™t have an issue with the principal of leaving but Iā€™m not sure we have the capability in government to manage it in an orderly fashion and Iā€™m not sure we can survive the initial impact. Long term we might be ok but how far down the road is that? Would we have survived the last collapse out of Europe? Imagine the cuts imposed if we had that hole in our cashflows in the morning

Hang on a second mate, weā€™re going nowhere. We declared independence from the UK a good while back, them leaving doesnā€™t mean we are as well.

Heā€™s talking about @The_Most_Infamous saying we should leave the EU and leave the entire running of the show up to Fianna FĆ”il as it worked so spectacularly in the past.

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Sorry. I completely misread your point above. I thought you were saying it would be good for Ireland to leave also :disappointed_relieved:

Thatā€™s alright. Weā€™d be fucked if we left, itā€™d be practically impossible to leave even the euro sadly.

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Bobby George has waded in


Thatā€™ll give the remain campaign a real dart

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Unless we still feel that we are a part of the Union somehowā€¦

The micks love being told what to do. It absolves them of responsibility and gives them time to get drunk. Thatā€™s why they love Europe. Plenty of handouts too


Thatā€™s back to top form tass.

I just had a flashback to Skippy.

Has Mr. T got vitiligo, just like Michael Jackson? :crying_cat_face:

tell us about your trip to Indonesia mate

5 presidents of the EU - all unelected, and none can be ā€˜votedā€™ out by the people.

10,000 EU officials - all earning more than the UK prime minister.

The EU gravy train rolls on :thumbsup:

Bit of a divide in the UK papers today.

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God Save the Queen and God Save England, butā€¦

ā€¦ the thick cunts will vote to stay.

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When Ireland vote to leave the EU tit, we perhaps can get on the soapbox.
Please bear in mind that this lovely country indicated that if it meant a few bob more in tax, theyā€™d leave the North to rot.

If youā€™re referring to the GF agreement, wtf that that have to do with a debate on whether the UK should stay in or leave the EU? The Republic of Ireland gave up a territorial claim to NI, a claim that was completely and absolutely meaningless as not a finger was raised to do anything about said claim for the almost 80 years of its existence.

Iā€™m not. Iā€™m referring to the disgusting quite extensive survey published last year on peopleā€™s attitude to repatriation of the six counties. The majority voted for, but then voted against if it meant a small tax rise.

Surveys are a load of bollox.