Brexit, Byegium, Czechout, Departugal, Dexit, Grexit, Italeave, Latervia, Nexit, Oustria, Slovakout, Spexit, Swexit, and Finish

I have no interest in paying more tax true, they can keep the north.


I have no interest in being part of Eire

It must really gall you being in the engine room of the British economy having to fork out your hard earned income to the feckless Norn Irish.

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Remain to win with ease.



I’d say it’ll be very close, a remain win. London is largely remain but outside that it’s v much leave I reckon

What are you hearing on the streets @Tassotti ?

Since yesterday the stock markets have been bouncing as if a remain vote is all but assured.

Remain is currently priced at 1/4. You wouldn’t get a 20% return like that from the bank so the ballsy lads like @balbec are loading up at the moment.

The markets have rallied since Jo Cox was shot. There will be absolute carnage if it’s a leave outcome. Will be ironic if the Scots, who just voted to stay in he UK, will now swing the vote to leave the EU. Cameron and Geldoff et all will look like right cunts for convincing them to stay.

In the (unlikely ?) event of a Leave vote, the Bank of England will cut rates by a half of a percentage on Friday which will see a 10% fall in the value of sterling.

However, sterling will recover but the Euro will be screwed in the longer term.


You honestly think the Scots have the balls to do something like that? Hardly.

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Myself and PJ are watching the markets very carefully. Fortunes to be won and lost in minutes.

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The Scots want to stay in the EU. The Scotch must be talking to you.

Listening to a very interesting interview with Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, former US Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy. He’s making some fascinating points about the origins of the EU.

Don’t drink Scotch mate, not helping those cunts. If we score here though I might be tempted to lash into some black bush. In honor of @Tassotti of course.

How’re we looking?

No exit polls being carried out.

in running on PP
remain - 1 / 12
leave 7 / 1