Brexit, Byegium, Czechout, Departugal, Dexit, Grexit, Italeave, Latervia, Nexit, Oustria, Slovakout, Spexit, Swexit, and Finish

Raymond Crotty is red rover

“Dictatorship run by bankers and big business” - standards are slipping, it normally takes you a post or two to contradict yourself

Nicola Sturgeon has fired the first shot for another Scottish referendum. The union is finished lads.

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Cameron is gone.

I understand you are upset because this may affect the price of a pint but don’t be lashing out at me…it is a victory for freedom.

A world superpower stands on her own two feet again, what a day to be alive. I am never living in Ireland again, this is the greatest country in the world. The doom merchants and bullies didn’t defeat us like they did the micks, we are a country who can think for itself


Lads whose turn is it to reply to Tassotti? @balbec?

@Tassotti fought the law & the law won

markets go up and down, everything will be grand in a few days, the terrifed, half drunk micks crying into their cornflakes in Dublin this morning, whilst real Irishmen like me have just saved Ireland and destroyed the EU


that;s some post


UK to hold referendum on whether to leave Earth.

I’m in a meeting.

When I went off to bed Farage had pretty much conceded. UK polling companies are the worst in the world. You wouldn’t see Irish polls so wide off the mark.



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Brits mug off polling companies yet again

Boris Johnson’s dad on Sky news now :joy:

are ye not ashamed over in spudland? ye shitless Irish cunts, slaves to Germany and France forever

Anyone ever sat on an EU committee? The British delegates on these committees do a massive share of the work as it’s public sector is relatively well resourced.
They also generally take the same positions as we do.

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the micks and their poster boy Bob Geldof have taken an almighty hiding this morning, Up England, a country that stands on its own two feet

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Bono tipped the scales… The Brits suffer Geldof but when that other cunt started telling them what to do they came out in numbers to tell them both to fuck off.