Brexit, Byegium, Czechout, Departugal, Dexit, Grexit, Italeave, Latervia, Nexit, Oustria, Slovakout, Spexit, Swexit, and Finish

Yes and you’re right

the EU had been brought down without a shot been fired, the germans are seething

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It’s time for the Celtic nations to unite… Scotland and a United Ireland together - Fuck the rest of Europe out of our waters, our oil and gas fields and flog ridiculous amounts of whiskey, Leprechaun outfits and Kilts.


The united Republic of Ireland and Scotland?

The Celtic Empire.


They’ll never go for that.

The Celtic & Rangers Empire maybe

Hibernia you cunt of a man - Made up of Ireland and Scotland.


Dalriada MĂłr

Lads has anyone replied to @Tassotti recently?

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In fairness to Bob Geldof, his actions last week on the Thames arguably swung it for the Leave side.

You should be toasting him :wink:

Is that your floor?

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Wonder what the implications will be for language use in the technical groups. Again it’s short-term gain for us, but long-term who knows.

boris on there a while ago more or less saying that everything will be fine , nothing will change at all and he is as european as the next man. He is on the back of the nationalism tiger now and he will have to ride it or fall off and get eaten

britain is in a bit of a bind now. Clearly manufacturing companies all over europe in competition with British industry will not allow Britain to benefit from easy access to European markets.
The Norwegian example is regularly cited but they pay a fortune for access and have no say at all on policy.
Britain won`t accept that.
No matter what else happens the EU will have to draw a hard line on trade agreements other wise the EU will collapse.
If Britain can leave painlessly with no consequences there will be no incentive to stay.


Who’s next? My money is on Nexit

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looked at 15 minutes.
interesting demographic of the advocates of brexit

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that or possibly Austria as a wild card

The biggest negative of this is the loss of a powerful voice to counter Germany in the EU.


On a serious note, what are the short term implications of this?