Brexit hub

Jacob Rees-Mogg is a fantastic chap.

Liverpool appears to be the largest Remain margin in England, 59-41

Hold the pressā€¦ South Oxfordshire went 71-29 to remain.

A load of London constituencies coming in now, all heavily in the Remain camp, some over 70%,

The Remain camp are all in on the LDN counts now

One of my old constituencies, Ealing, votes IN

Anyone get the Brixton count?

Edinburgh votes IN by a massive majority

Leave opening the gap again. The only hope of UK staying in the EU now is London.

Itā€™ll be a funny United Kingdom when the Scots leave and half the north wants out.

Itā€™s just like a US election, the urban-sophisticate/rural heartland divide is off the charts

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As expected, SF calling for a border poll. Sammy Wilson with his top button undone desperately trying to pretend this has no impact.

Leave is 1/6 on Betfair now.

Over 500k lead now for Leave.
Red Roverā€¦ The Brits have left the EU.

Jesus, the Pound is nose divingā€¦
Fuck, @Tassotti wonā€™t be able to buy a bag of Taytos next time heā€™s, er. ā€˜homeā€™



The state will be providing all of @Tassotti 's day to day living needs next time heā€™s home. Along with some nice people to keep him company.

This is gas. Itā€™s a big pile of nothing really this entire referendum.

No surprise there, Liverpool has always prospered greatly in Europe.


So Scotland will vote again in 2018/2019 I guess.

SF will demand a poll on unification, hoping it doesnā€™t happen before the Scots leave and the whole thing falls apart.

Fucks sakes.

S&P futures down over 3%.