Brexit hub

If you’re looking for a new passport soon, good luck getting it…

Just woke is this a done deal?

Looks that way

FTSE futures down 7.5%.


A good buying opportunity tomorrow morning. The leave side totally overplayed their hand with the doom and gloom. Effectively nothing happens for two years.

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With 300 of the 382 constituencies declared, Leave has 12,628,210 with Remain on 11,887,832.

It’s done. The turkey that is the United Kingdom has voted for Christmas.

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Bonds absolutely exploding worldwide. US 10 year yield down to 1.5%. Japan’s 5 year down to fucking negative 0.3%.

BBC, ITV and Sky have all called it for OUT

This just got interesting…


Expect a rake more Brits to apply

How so?

Sterling down over 10%.

It’s over for the Premier League.

An independent Scotland will surely assume the mantle of Europe’s top league when it rejoins the EU in 2020.

English footballers clamoring to sign with Airtricity league teams while spots are still available.

A colossal fuck up. Interesting times.

The Welsh are gas

Their poxy little anthem will keep them warm.

What’s the deal with Japan boys, I see they’ve halted trading on UK stocks and currency as some sort of automatic halt over a certain % movement?