Brexit hub

2/1 is a more accurate reflection Iā€™d say. Sure we hammer in on stay now?

Itā€™s brilliant if they leave. 7 am.

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eur/sterling has been @.76 and .79 TODAY that is some insane volatility for one of the worlds major ccy pairings

If they leave, we wonā€™t be borrowing 0.7% money for much longer

If i had to have a bet id back remain now, good value considering weā€™ve seen fuck all tallies bar some Geordies.

Theres a chance polls have been underestimating the leave vote as people were embarrassed to say they wanted to leave after it was pointed out to them what a fucking stupid idea it is over and over. Conservative vote was heavily underestimated the last time for the same reason

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I have been suspecting this as a strong possibility

Sterling down 6% in the last ten minutes. It has not crashed this much with such volatily since the 2008 banking crisis.

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I am en route to England to buy a car as I type!

One with a HD TV @Ambrose_McNulty.


Biggest impact Sunderland have ever made on the world stage

Arenā€™t Nissan based in Sunderland?

Ah, the scots are whinging that they want a vote for independence.


With youā€™re phone and a scart cable connected to it, you could TFK in style while cruzing down the motorway.

Yes. It would also have a very high proportion of people that donā€™t like to see foreigners coming over there and taking their jobs

Foreigners as in Geordies?

ā€œLeave vote much stronger than expectedā€

Sterling down to 1.45 USD

Euro down to 1.12 USD

Even worse, lads from Scotland

1.44 now

That was a lovely joke. The people of Sunderland thought they were actually voting to leave Sunderland :laughing:

Thereā€™ll be great value to be got now,Iā€™ll be going for an A6 or a 520 myself

Swindon votes to leave

Sterling picks up. 1.46