Brexit hub

GBP in the minutes after that Newcastle result

I was just looking at a similar chart. Sterling has given up all its gains against the dollar.


Saw that :popcorn:

I cant see the bookies and the markets having gotten it this badly wrong. All the big banks have been doing their own exit polling etc

Bad news for the euro.

Big Leave vote in Sunderland

Election Result nights are unreal

Tony Calvin is worth on a follow on it.

Sunderland :open_mouth:


Euro is collapsing

0.62 to stay, down from 0.75 only 5 mins ago

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The BBC index thing is a load of bollox

Sterling is falling apart. This is brilliant.

Dollar / Yen has fallen back completely

5\4 now :popcorn:

I think thats an over reaction but it makes it interesting. I’d love to sit down and watch this for the night.

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Bank of England will be forced to cut interest rates tomorrow if there is an Exit.

Sterling will fall 10%

This is not brilliant.

What time do we expect all results in by chaps? When will we get the important London tallies back @Tassotti?

Aye, they’re going nowhere. Tearing themselves apart though.

Nigel on sky news