BREXIT thread

The majority of Americans aren’t Republicans.

Republicans tend to be obsessed with race, alright, and especially their imagined place at the top of the social hierarchy, and the data backs thaat up. It’s a mindset very similar to the unionists in the north. In fact, if you want a pertinent comparison between the broad Republican party and any other political entity anywhere, it’s the DUP. Nevertheless, the DUP are currently looking positively bleeding heart compared to what’s happening in the current Republican regime.

What is absolutely true is that ethnic minorities have abandoned the Republican party, including Asians. The Republican party is toxic to blacks now. Hispanics have drifted significantly to the Democrats.

Now, why do you think that is?

Yet again, a hell of a lot of projection there. A psychiatrist would have a field day with you.

It’s because you can’t debate honestly that you’re so despised and ridiculed here.

Great lad for a link though

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Go to bed ffs before you have another mental breakdown.

Believe me, I’m not the contributor to this exchange who is at risk of such.

Dear me

You must be scorched with grease from all the hopping out of that pan you’re doing.

A greasy Derryman.

Who we’ve established genuinely hates immigrants, Prods, gays and pretty much everybody else.

And you’re supposed to be a social worker? :laughing:

Be a shame if all this got out. :grin:

I’m Italian, or a “greasy wop” in your eyes.

I’m a deeply flawed human being who is capable of hate. Thankfully I’m free of it right now, the lads you mentioned wouldn’t have been on my radar anyway… Not even the Prods.


Knock yourself out kid.

Tut tut

To be fair, mate, I’d never do that.

But as somebody who has actually been doxxed on this forum, it’s nice to toy with people the odd time.

That’s exactly what’s happening sid. There there

Night, night, mousey.

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Corbyn is an utter slimebag, whose is only interested in personal gain, its about time the like of Keir Stammer stood up and was counted and get this cunt out of the Labour party cc @flattythehurdler

They missed their shot. He wouldn’t go and the time it would take to elect a new leader would count it down.

According to the Times though Phillip Hammond is going around telling business that Article 50 will probably be extended.

Will the EU allow that though? This is a major drag on investment and growth all over the EU. I think it needs to be resolved finally one way or another. Can you imagine another two years of listening to fucking Brexit

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Corbyn about to take the stage

I’ve heard him accused of lots of stuff but that’s the first time I’ve heard that levelled at him. Care to elaborate?


Maybe the British are looking to extend it and hope it is forgotten about.

Well a well known guardian journo told me that he was the most arrogant wanker she had ever met in politics in either party. He’s a dithering fool, who seems incapable of leading or telling the truth, and he is a hypocrite.
He’s starting to look old and tired.
Still, he’s better than May.
Oh, and he rode Diane Abbott.

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