BREXIT thread

Fascinating to watch the leftists jumping through hoops to defend Islamic terrorism.

It’s sad to see you bizarrely trying to deflect again just because you’ve been made a fool of

Your debating techniques are so shit

And you’re a virulent racist

Boris has proven their is no limits to what humans can achieve

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It’s even more fascinating watching you trying to distance the US from it.

After the NZ game I’m making him my avatar. Don’t steal it from me.

You’re actually the only person here who defends Islamist terrorism mate

Nobody else has

You call the Saudi regime “benevolent” and support their attempted genocide against the Houthis in Yemen, which the US supports

You were also silent on the butchering of Jamal Khashoggi, which again Trump refused to condemn at all

And now you support the release of ISIS prisoners in Syria

We can guess why all that is

the withdrawal agreement could not be reopened they said, a new deal could not be negotiated they said, oh how wrong they were

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Amber Rudd is jealous as fuck. She’s sickened.

And you call those who campaigned and continue to campaign for women’s rights “feminazis”

The irony seems completely lost on you

That’s because you’re thick as pigshit :grin:

I don’t.

I oppose all US military interventions in the Middle East and support for racist regimes like Saudi. You can oppose US foreign policy and also oppose racist groups like Hamas whose stated desire is an Islamic state with no Jews. If the Palestinians were to embrace secularism and stop lobbing rockets into civilian areas I would support their cause.

Jeremy Corbyn is going to come up with a final solution to the Brexit issue.


I marched against the 8th amendment, for the divorce referendum, and fought tooth and nail with sexist priests and nuns. When they were repercussions for doing so, unlike now.

You support the release of ISIS prisoners

It could barely be obvious that you want more ISIS attacks in Europe because of your hatred for the EU

You call those who campaigned against the 8th Amendment “feminazis”

You don’t need to explain any further

@Rocko I just want to celebrate this great historic day to be British and there are strange people spamming the thread.


Did Leo not say there’d be no rowing back on the backstop?

I supported the destruction of ISIS. I think it was a mistake to leave any of them alive, I would have shown them the same mercy they showed their own prisoners, although would have stopped short of sawing their heads off.

You support the release of ISIS prisoners

You’ve been arguing furiously for the last week for the exact action which the US was warned would inevitably result in the release of these ISIS prisoners

It has

Again, you don’t need to explain any further, the bleedin’ obvious doesn’t need an explanation

Boris doesn’t want to tax him at 70%.

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I support the execution of ISIS prisoners.

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