BREXIT thread

I don’t.

I oppose all US military interventions in the Middle East and support for racist regimes like Saudi. You can oppose US foreign policy and also oppose racist groups like Hamas whose stated desire is an Islamic state with no Jews. If the Palestinians were to embrace secularism and stop lobbing rockets into civilian areas I would support their cause.

Jeremy Corbyn is going to come up with a final solution to the Brexit issue.


I marched against the 8th amendment, for the divorce referendum, and fought tooth and nail with sexist priests and nuns. When they were repercussions for doing so, unlike now.

You support the release of ISIS prisoners

It could barely be obvious that you want more ISIS attacks in Europe because of your hatred for the EU

You call those who campaigned against the 8th Amendment “feminazis”

You don’t need to explain any further

@Rocko I just want to celebrate this great historic day to be British and there are strange people spamming the thread.


Did Leo not say there’d be no rowing back on the backstop?

I supported the destruction of ISIS. I think it was a mistake to leave any of them alive, I would have shown them the same mercy they showed their own prisoners, although would have stopped short of sawing their heads off.

You support the release of ISIS prisoners

You’ve been arguing furiously for the last week for the exact action which the US was warned would inevitably result in the release of these ISIS prisoners

It has

Again, you don’t need to explain any further, the bleedin’ obvious doesn’t need an explanation

Boris doesn’t want to tax him at 70%.

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I support the execution of ISIS prisoners.

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The EU said it is “a fair and balanced deal”. So what was the other one?

You support the execution of the release of ISIS prisoners

A subtle but massive difference

More lies.

I supported the repeal of the 8th, and contributed to groups campaigning of the repeal.

I oppose radical feminists like yourself who believe all men accused of rape or assault are guilty, unless they can prove their innocence.

Yet you call them “feminazis”

It must have been the “nazi” bit you liked

I don’t believe that

I believe that all women who make complaints should be treated that their complaints are being made in good faith

You don’t believe that and it shows in your responses to numerous different cases where your default reaction is almost always to go digging for some sort of far right propaganda to try and tar the complainant as a liar or a slut or a whore, unless there’s a Democratic or left-wing politician involved, where your stance immediately switches to guilty until proven innocent

Basically, you don’t give a flying shit about rape or sexual assault at all, same as you don’t give a flying shit about anti-Semitism, and treat it merely as a weapon to use in your insane online far right culture war

Corbyn is vile

Boris got rid of that dirty backstop, Paddy folded like a cheap tent like I predicted and other astute analysts such as @anon7035031 and @Special_Olympiakos


Serious talk: there’ll be a vote in Stormont in 4 years time if Stormont is running to decide whether to continue with the special status. Simple majority.

Unionists have 40 seats, nationalists 39 and others have 11. So basically Alliance will decide everything and who knows how they will vote.

this agreement facilitates the orderly withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union, protecting job on the Island of Ireland

You do believe that, and have consistently proven it here.

You believed Paddy Jackson was guilty before a shred of evidence was heard. You still believe he is guilty, even though a court found him not guilty. You favor kangaroo courts essentially.

You believed the woman that Michael Avenatti unearthed to accuse Brett Kavanaugh even though her story was complete fantasy, and Avenatii is a scumbag.

You are a very dangerous individual who would willingly support a totalitarian regime as long as it was left, which is the reason you support China.

I am literally the only one who engages with you here, the sole reason I do so is to try and pull you back from the abyss so you don’t commit an atrocity in my beloved Galway.