BREXIT thread

What’s an expat?

Someone’s who’s fucked off from their country of domicile and their main residence is another place. Like tassoti

Or like me and you in Cork

An emigrant?

I’m a dual citizen pal

Poor people are called emigrants/immigrents

You’re domiciled in Ireland though. The Brits will never fully accept you

I’m Anglo-Irish. The UK is the most welcoming country in the world, along with America, the land of opportunity. Thats why all the talented people leave Oireland, leaving the leprechauns to run the country very badly, fighting about growing spuds and water charges


The most welcoming country in the world if you have a few bob to bring with you, is about to close its doors.

They’ll have some land when they try and get lads off benefits to go out and do the minimum wage jobs

It’s strange. There are less inactive ie not working people than ever recorded before in the UK. Just when you thought we couldn’t all cut each others hair. I think Glas had it, when he said we in the western world are very good at inventing jobs, HR and the like.

Unemployment in the UK is 4% a 40 year low mate, don’t believe everything the pro European muldoon media are spoon feeding ye in oireland


How many of those are foreign nationals doing minimum wage jobs?

Like they did here which was basically slavery?

I worked for a major multinational before where they hired lads on a job bridge scheme. The lads were getting a small few bob more than the dole and working 40-50 hour weeks on the premise they’d get full time contracts if they impressed… the poor cunts never stood a chance

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Brexit means Brexit.

Out is out.


anyone with their finger on the pulse re: foreign investment? yay or nay.

I’ve money tied up in Sterling, I don’t want to take a hit on it

Are you revoking your support for Mrs May on the back of this?

Have you missed the last 30 months?

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don’t be a dick please

Have the “No dogs, blacks or Irish” signs started going back up yet?

Is this the week that the EU and the UK shaft Paddy?