BREXIT thread

That’s a disgusting post. While I find it exceptionally difficult to agree with most of @Tim_Riggins posts, he is one of the more intelligent posters on this forum who backs his opinions up with facts and he has called out Corbyn accurately.
Corbyn, despite having an allotment, is a fucking joke who will never admit the dark spaces contained within his beliefs.
On Brexit, to my mind, he is playing what he thinks is a long game. Suffer a few defections as his lack of action continues (or as the rest of ys would call it, ineptitude) and wait for a no deal Brexit. Then let the country (countries) go to shit and then proclaim some sort of socialist utopia as the saviour of post Brexit Britain.
Not understanding that the likelihood is the opposite. Hard Brexit and the country (countries) becomes even more divided and more people flock to hard right wing populist parties.
Nigel Farage will be PM before Corbyn.
He’s a disaster for Labour and a disaster for Britain.


Not quite sure why you’re telling me all this about Corbyn. I already know. But thanks anyway. Clampit.

“…despite having an allotment…”

Very good @Fitzy. :clap: :laughing:


seems odd that most of the venom on here is directed at the labour party and not the tories

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I would guess that if you did a quick tab May is the leader on this thread for venom.

the topic of late seems to be is corbyn anti Semitic

Of late maybe, given that so many of his MPs have just left the party.

I think it’s quite clear already that the Tories are in a shitshow themselves.

The Tories and the US Republicans are both so appalling, that it’s almost taken as read that they will always be like that.

But that’s almost their strategy - to be so consistently appalling, so shameless and so impervious to criticism, that any criticism or scandal is futile and people just zone out and enough people develop Stockholm syndrome to elect them.

Whereas any little thing in the Labour party or the US Democrats is immediately seized on by the right-wing propagandist vultures and pressed home relentlessly to try and discredit those parties.

Forums are actually a good example - on this forum for instance, you have a cabal of trolling right-wing propagandists who are completely silent to the appalling nature of the Tories and Republicans, in fact they cheer it on and then run away, and who are constantly on the look out for false narratives to try and discredit progressive politics as a whole.

The shitfight that are the tories is a given, beyond boring now.

Cheers mate, took about 10 seconds for me to be proved correct.

The Labour party in England could hardly be accused if being progressive Sid.

It’s very progressive, actually, mate, probably more so than at any time since the late 1940s.

Depends on your perspective. The Labour Party of the 1940s into the 1950s armed the UK with nuclear weapons and were anti Europe.

They also created the NHS, so swings in roundabouts.

It’s not progressive Sid, if it was it would be all out to oppose Brexit. But it’s leader wants Brexit. The Labour party has been utterly pathetic throughout this entire process and I say that as someone who would be inclined to support them.

It’s possible to be progressive and be in favour of leaving the EU, mate.

You don’t have to be such a person or support such to recognise that such an ideology is both possible, and a legitimate one.

Eamonn McCann, for instance, is both pro-Brexit and highly progressive.

Ah Tim. If we look at the historical context of where the world and particularly Europe was at in the late 40’s early 50’s can you think of any legitimate reasons why they might be anti-Europe and all for acquiring nukes??? Anything at all.

Also swings in roundabouts is an exceptionally dangerous concept.

Pot. Kettle. Bitumen.

He’s a bit of an oul eejit now in fairness. Great craic though. Whats prigreasive about dole for everyone

I’m not criticizing them, I’m just putting a bit of context on it. They were certainly the most radical U.K. Government of them all.

@Sidney Do you think it’s possible for there to be trolling left-wing propagandists?

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