BREXIT thread

OK mate.

K hun xo



Leo looks delighted with himself, must have got something big from Boris

Deviant alert…

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Post reported

I hope the DUP are looking over their shoulders because there is a big Brexit bus heading their way with Coleman at the wheel and Boris ready to push them under it.

NI to stay in customs union til 2023 and a NI vote required to leave

One all Democrats can get behind.

Dangerous if true. Will entrench sectarian divisions and polarisation of politics

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Like they’re not already entrenched!

Better or worse than revisiting hard borders?


Leo was beaming last night. That can only mean that Arlene is seething.

Maybe Boris invited him down to No 10 to prance around some weekend.

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Play soggy biscuit with the rest of the etonians.

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He said Leo can dress up as Maggie and have free reign of the place for an hour… even set up Lectern for him so he can give the ‘This lady is not for turning speech’ — Leo will be found passed out on the couch with a dildo up his hole and traces of his semen all over no.10


Leo playing the role of a statesman and doing his best for NI while Sinn Fein hide on the sidelines has seemingly brought on an aneurysm in you.


Leo is a wanker — and you said it there he’s, ‘playing’ … Brexit has been a nice and lucky distraction for him ---- he wont know what to do if it gets resolved… he might have to try running the country.

Leo has done more for a united Ireland in the last few months than Sinn Fein did in 50 years.


What has he done?

United the country and elements in Northern Ireland against the DUP and no deal.

The best thing for the Shinners to do for the next while would be to keep their heads down and let the real politicians get on with it.


Leo has united the country and elements in the north against the DUP :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:


Go back to your gaming chair.