BREXIT thread

Post reported you disgusting KK cunt.

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Post reported also, a disgusting uucoam.

Settle down and go watch your favorite movie Team America.

Obviously any withdrawal agreement would allow time for all those procedural things to happen. What’s his point?

Jo needs to learn about bullet points.

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His point is that any withdrawal agreement must specifically make time, and sufficient time, for all of these things to be put in place.
It should be clear by now, even to you, that the tory rump and erg will use any mechanism possible to suit their purpose. As the purpose of a swathe of the tory party, and the Conservative membership is a straight hard brexit, they would delight in facilitating this. It should also be clear that several labour mps think similarly, and will act accordingly, ditto the dup, who clearly do not give a flying fuck about the North of Ireland and its people in general (otherwise they would have leapt at the beneficial arrangement in teresa mays deal).
Throw in the fact that many mps are not particularly bright (I’m sure I don’t need to provide examples) and would vote for a Johnson WA “just to get brexit done”, or feeling it slightly less of an evil than a no deal brexit, oblivious to the potential for lying, cheating and deceit of the boris brigade.
His point is excellent, and can’t be stated often enough.


Do you think the EU would be stupid enough to agree a withdrawal agreement that didn’t provide time or consideration for all those factors? Of course it wouldn’t. It’s a pointless silly long thread and it’s also typical of the thinking in Britain that London is the centre of the world and it’s parliament/madhouse is the organisation in control.

No it isn’t.
Calm down dear and read it slowly

It’s completely redundant. It’s a non point.

“a suggestion to a prominent loyalist that “we’ll see how hard the border is if bombs start going off in Limerick”.”

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Official confirmation from the Brexit Brodacasting Corporation that it’s OK to incite violence if you’re a white, upper-middle class man funded by the Koch brother(s)

But open your mouth if you’re a brown woman and you’ll be disciplined

The BBC is as neutral as the away end at an old firm game.


Her Majesty affirming today that Britain will leave the EU on Oct 31st is a real hammer blow to the democracy hating Remoaners.

Some were half expecting her to criticise her PM for allegedly misleading her but no she did her duty and fair play to her.

…and all for a pittance!

You English love ye’re queen in fairness to ye.

I wouldn’t mind if our fucking muppet Leo was as much of a cunt , but no he’d keel over and ( nearly said take it up the ass)do whats good for the EU and not necessarily good for Ireland

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The fat fucker in the Phoenix park would do well to take a leaf out of her book


you tans are hilarious