BREXIT thread

And you love ours cc @flattythehurdler

Poor ould doll looked fairly fuckin scaldy at the entire shower that were there listening to her.

In the old days she could chop all their heads off and the job would be oxo.


The DUP colluding with loyalist paramilitaries … again! Imagine if Varadkar & Coveney met with IRA (dissident or otherwise) leaders.

I’m a little curious about this Blackspot. You might remember a few months ago Newton Emerson wrote a Brexit opinion in the IT saying that the problem with the DUP wasn’t that they were too close to loyalist paramilitaries, the problem was that they weren’t close enough and that’s why they always felt they had to take the hardest line on everything.

Do you think is there any chance whatsoever that Newton was put up to writing that article by the powers that be, so as to soften up nice middle-Ireland types, the likes of you and me, when we discover that the DUP are getting as close to the paramilitaries as they possibly can?

Newton was being, to put it at its mildest, disingenuous in writing that. He for sure didn’t believ it. Nobody in the North is under any illusions about how close the DUP are, and always have been, to the loyalist paramilitary leadership. It’s not that long ago Arlene was serially photographed with Dee Stitt, a UDA head honcho who had been appointed to a quango which was distributing quite a bit of govt money to the usual suspects. The DUP Communities minister, at the same time as withdrawing £50k of funding in Irish language grants to school children was doling out money to loyalist marching bands and “community groups” which in case any of or free state readership is unaware is a euphemism for loyalist paramilitaries.
By the way, the shinners were complicit in this. They knew exactly what was going on but had some sort of quid pro quo in that they could distribute funds to their own pet projects.


“Community groups” :grinning: :grimacing:

Newton got beaned by the apple good

Looks like a deal is done. No border on the island.

Unfortunate turn of phrase.

I know, Johnson mightn’t have much between his ears but it’s important to be diplomatic

What it’s all about!!

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The Brits are going to end up accepting the deal they were offered two years ago and call it a victory the thick cunts :roll_eyes:


They won’t though can’t see them getting it through the HOC

They will get it through because the ERG know that if they don’t accept it, they’ll have no Brexit.

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“Northern Ireland would de jure be in the UK’s customs territory but de facto in the European Union’s,” one diplomatic source said of the tentative agreement.

Genius. Basically Northern Ireland will 100% stay in the EU but the UK are allowed to claim it has not.


Exactly. This is only a battle not the war. Real negotiations haven’t even started yet and they’ve wasted two years getting caught up in semantics

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