BREXIT thread

Johnson will get it through, sell it as a promise delivered to base an immediate election campaign on which might distract people from whatever fallout from Brexit there is.
Win the election on that promise delivered
be king of the ashes
profit :wink:

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Britain’s biggest surrender since Suez

What reaction can we expect from the psycho unionists if this is the case? They won’t just accept it, they’ll tool up.
Will Dublin, Monaghan, Galway, Limerick etc need to watch our backs? Or the fact that it was their own beloved London parlaiment who double fucked them might make a difference?

They’ll be given a bung. If there’s one thing them cunts love more than flegs, bigotry and saying no, it’s cold hard moolah.


Exactly. Boris and Mogg both voted for the 3rd May bill on this basis. They will vote for this if the reports are accurate. Labour won’t, DUP won’t. SNP won’t, Lib Dems won’t so what then?

@labane1917: 1
Assorted TFK clowns: 0

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Did you deliver brexit or what?

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I’ve been advising Boris for the past week.

Has Farage weighed in yet?

That would explain a lot of his embarrassing climb downs actually


Thats an Ooooft right there

This was a play by Boris to hold the Conservative Party together. It should just about actually work on that level. If it achieves anything more than that its a bonus

The remainers might still try to tack on a confirmatory referendum on Saturday. I wonder will Kinnock and some of his crew support the deal?

We won’t see him around here for a while after that slap

They’ll be peeling bits of him off the kitchen floor for weeks after that. :smile:

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The Nordies have free reign to get whatever they want off the Brits now to get this over the line. They should milk the absolute shite out of it

More flegs

The Nordies can have the best of both worlds being in the EU customs union and part of the UK, the scots would give their right arm to be in that position. Unfortunately because of the DUP ignorance and or their down right stubbornness they would rather just lump in with the UK come what may regardless of what the majority of Northern Ireland wants. Probably never happen but would love to see the DUP decimated in the general election. It would be great to see more moderate parties get a larger share of the vote in Northern Ireland maybe then we can have some real progress up there.

I thought Brolly on that podcast was brilliant in his description of the DUP

Six days and counting to abortion and same sex marriage in NI

The rats now want to get back onto the sinking ship to stop it
