BREXIT thread

Their banter has gone very stale.


Listen, this is TFK, when you dig in, you fucking stay in that trench like a rat and hold firm until doomsday arrives, no matter how deep the insanity seeps into your core. Just look at the Carlow man @GeoffreyBoycott’s carryon.


Hard to believe they’re grown men

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hang on a second…
Varadkaar hasnt gone and accepted back the 6 counties has he?
boris has mugged the cunt off if true

i have no interest in this and think the whole thing was blown out of proportion by Coveney etc, i feel sorry for a few sheep farmers and a few small business owners in Blacklion or Belcoo who might see a bit of disruption but i cant see it impacting anyone else’s bottom line.
my only red line was that under no circumstances can any ties political or social be strengthened with that basket case “state” over the border, whats it good for? fuck all that’s what… it full of sectarian bigots with no ambition to better themesleves who will be nothing but a scourge to us like they are a scourge on London - Johnson wants shut of them clearly, this is a catastrophe, and all for what? a few nostalgic pats on the back a a few up the ras
christ above


Are we there yet?

Time to load up the revolut with sterling lads. It’s gonna skyrocket tomorrow


They are both very racist against the Irish

its 500 years before that can be taken seriously, a UI. Its an absolute cesspit that would savaegley destroy the economy and social balance we have worked hard to achieve in the South. it must be resisted at all costs. That video from the loyalist wedding doing the rounds a few weeks back, that is what you are dealing with, it is bred in the cavemen, ffs, you can still go to Belfast and know exactly what area you are in, with flags and murals everywhere, like dogs marking their territory

Even better - it’s increasingly effectively part of Ireland but the stupid Brits are picking up the tab in exchange for a couple of red postboxes


Everyone thought the tans couldnt possibly sink any lower in this sorry affair… How wrong we were. Is there no end to their stupidity?

This is exactly what I expected to be honest.

This shite about the Unionist veto though is complete bollocks. You can’t have all the EU trade between England and the continent being held up every so often because the DUP want funding for some loyalist hall in Ballymena or such nonsense. Arlene needs to be told to fuck off. Or just bribed more.

Poor @anon7035031 will be devo at your views, notwithstanding his anti-Irish racism

He thinks a united Ireland will happen by 2021

You need to co-ordinate your messaging better, I mean what use are the PMs between you otherwise

When the thick cunts up there voting for the DUP find out their dole will go from £60 a week to €200 they’ll begging us to join


Sterling is down this morning perhaps as the realisation sinks in that the British govt are fcuking dreadful regardless.
Still, any kind of a deal and its the end of corbyn.

DUP say they won’t support based on consent. They want a veto, through a double majority in Stormont.

Great call mate, I’ve a revoult card with a load of depreciated sterling now


they’ll do what Boris tells to, its all brinkmanship

it would be great craic if Sinn Fein walked in the door of Westminster at the last minute and backed Johnson…

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Be the right job.

If they don’t play ball they’ll be cast into the wildeness. BJ won’t need them after the election