BREXIT thread

they’ll do what they are told, they have to act the hardman in front of their caveman supporters

Time to double down on bitcoin

The DUP being against this means it’s a good deal.

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Excuse my ignorance on this but why are they relying on the DUP to get this through? Are there not enough on the other side of the House to back a deal should they reach an agreement, or are they still playing party politics on this?


imagine waking up to that every morning!


Boris can Surrender but Ulster says No Surrender

yes and now we’ll be picking up the bill for financing the building of orange lodges and paying for their massive public service wage bill that is at the moment completly dysfunctional

up the ra, etc and paint the boxes green

They would need all the Tory rebels back on board and some of the Labour brexiteers. But Labour will probably instruct their MPs to vote against. Depends if they will break ranks.

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Talk of an amendment to bill to insert requirement for a confirmatory referendum

Bit embarrassing for the Brits to negotiate a second deal to leave and not be able to get it through their own parliament

So Labour and Lib Dems went ballistic when they realised Boris was going for a no deal exit. Now when he comes back with a deal they’ll vote against it. :thinking:


Well both have a policy on that for a long while.

No deal is a bit different.

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He won’t be coming back with a deal.

“Confirmatory” referendum is the best way out of this but would need labour, libdem, SNP (who would in some ways prefer a hard brexit) and tory rebels all on board.
Bizarre thing is it would be a win/win for boris.
Brexit overturned, whole thing slowly swept under the rug. Corbyn is unelectable and the tories would win a GE. Boris deal gets through, boris will walk a GE. The only thing stopping a confirmatory referendum is a clique of erg dinosaurs, who I suspect fear that this is their big chance to make a personal profit.

I think democracy needs everyone to put their differences aside if for no other reason than to fuck the DUP under the bus. These opportunities don’t come along often.

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Boris needs to get a concrete deal here, then extend the deadline by a couple of months until and have a GE, which would basically be on the deal. I think he’d have a majority coming back in without the DUP if he could show he had a deal, and it wasn’t suicidal, I think;

  1. Corbyn is a liability on the other side.
  2. People just want this finished with once and for all.
  3. No one on the mainland actually gives a shit about the North.
  4. He’d be outflanking the Brexit party, if he’s seen to be actually “delivering Brexit”
  5. The electorate in the UK, much like here, are un-informed simpletons

Or he could cut to the chase and have a confirmatory referendum. If he framed it properly, he could make farage irrelevant.
Dom has been muzzled recently.

The deal is done. The DUP said “yes, please”

It’s rocketing man. Rocketing. Brexit is delivered.