BREXIT thread

You’re Irish mate.

Sinn Féin have done sweet fuck all.


Juncker says no extension if it’s passed

I don’t think he has the authority to say that though and anyway his words don’t take into account if it passed with a referendum amendment

They didnt have to - The DUP did it all for them.

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Well obviously you wouldn’t, duh

That would be your intellectual bankruptcy kicking in again

SF knew the DUP would either hang themselves or the English would push them under the bus when the time came and they just had to sit back and watch the DUP show the world what bunch of absolute cunts they are and the DUP did not disappoint. :slight_smile:


The big winner in all of this is Tony Connelly


There is a very simple answer to your question, at it’s core the left is anti-Semitic. This is the only reason they can support jihadist Islamic groups like Hamas who support genocide of all Jews and oppose all liberal values. Think about it, the left supports groups that desire an Islamic state where gays are executed, women are treated like cattle, and Sharia law is the law of the land.

In contrast Israel, for all it’s flaws, is the most liberal state in the Middle East, has a 20% Arab population, is a democracy, welcomes the LBGT community i.e. all the things that liberals supposedly care about.

It’s a paradox but nobody does cognitive dissonance like the left.

Who’s this, the Saudis?

America are the Saudis biggest backers.

a wave of optimism has swept over the country, it is palpable, hon Boris, he’ll finish that auld cunt Corybn off now

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The Saudis are a despicable shower of cunts, it is a stain on America’s and western Europe’s moral fabric that they support them.

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You really should at least try not to say things that make you look like a complete nutcase, especially when you have a proven record of virulent anti-Semitism and and anti-Semitism denial yourself

Jeremy Corbyn, who you support, stood at a remembrance event for the animals who slaughtered the Israeli athletes in Munich. Only someone who hates Jews could do that.


Ronnie Regan once went to a memorial at a cemetery full of German soldiers including Waffen-SS concentration camp guards.

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Jeremy Corbyn is a proud anti-racist and has a long and proud record of solidarity with Jews

He’s probably the biggest ally of the fight against real anti-Semitism in UK politics

You on the other hand deliberately conflate all Jews with Israel, which is deeply anti-Semitic

You also have a long and shameful record of denying the virulent anti-Semitism in the Republican party

The right internationally is irredeemably riddled with virulent anti-Semitism - that includes the Repblican party, the Tories, Viktor Orban, Le Pen, Duterte etc., whom you support

There is anti-Semitism in the Labour party alright - ironically it comes mainly from the self-styled “centrist” pro-Israel faction of it - who specifically target Jews who have opinions that don’t align with the pro-Israel faction - Euan Philipps, Siobhan McDonagh, Joan Ryan etc.

It is a tragic perversion of the memory of the Holocaust that Israel and its associated lobby groups have hijacked and weaponised anti-Semitism to their own ends to wage war against the real fight against racism internationally, and against Palestine and those who quite rightly support the cause of the Palestinian people

Israel doesn’t give one flying shit against anti-Semitism, is delighted to give succour to real anti-Semites internationally, and is one of the most racist states in the world

It is an unquestioning ally of racists and the far right internationally

It is no surprise that somebody who is in favour of a genocide against the Palestinian people, as you are, tries to take shelter under the fake banner of fighting anti-Semtism

What you engage in is merely naked racism

More cognitive dissonance and deflection from a nutcase leftist.

Reagan didn’t call the Nazis friends though, unlike Corbyn about Hamas and Hezbollah. He also visited Nazi concentration camps on the same visit. Corbyn on the other hand has been staunchly pro Islamic terror all his life, when he visited Israel he only met with Islamist terrorists and never with Israeli officials.

Let the record state that @anon7035031 praised Donald Trump for stating that the Nazis at Charlottesville included “very fine people”

This is a guy who literally thinks that Nazis are “very fine people”

You couldn’t make it up