BREXIT thread

You’ll buy all round you the next time you’re home.

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I see you’re employing @anon7035031’s deflection technique now because you have literally no argument

I preferred when your deflection techniques were ones you had come up with yourself

Actually, I’m probably overrating your past contributions there

It really is hilarious that the so called “conservative” attitude to literally any injustice is to shriek “look over there”

Intellectual bankruptcy doesn’t even begn to explain the mindset

He could do it that way but I think would be better putting it to referendum.

Guaranteed. I don’t understand why the Pretend IRA are so wound up over Brexit.

He has changed the UK in ways i never thought possible


We always spotted the opportunity in the crisis, that’s why Sidney hates us.

He achieved it through the force of his personality. All the EU leaders love him.

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3 wasted years under May, it took Boris to go and tell them what is what and get a deal, he is a great Prime Minister


The bullindon club caused the mess and the bullindon club cleaned up the mess

the thought of losing their monthly KFC expenses (signed off by Lizzie Windsor) is causing them nightmares

Borris has secured a “great new deal”
Its probably the best deal ever negotiated.

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I’m just liking every post here, it’s a great day. The forum is united #teamofus

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Now that the UK are out of Europe - how does that affect our qualifying campaign for Euro 2020?

There’s going to be fire works Saturday — this aint over by a long shot

They will just add an amendment that says this deal has to be ratified by referendum, which it will be.

So, will we finally now have it confirmed , after 3 years of drama, fall outs and tension, that the UK will continue to have bendy bananas?

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I don’t see how come.

I asked why so many Labour (predominantly #JC4PM) supporters are so obsessed with Palestine when there are so many injustices in the world? It’s a pretty simple question.

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He might give Matt the auld reacharound later so.

They’re all the same you say, but you only attack Corbyn? The double standards are gas.