BREXIT thread

Alliance are strongly pro-Europe so will vote to continue the current plan. I can’t see that changing.

If those who weaponise anti-Semitism actually gave a flying shit about real anti-Semitism, they’d be rounding on those who invoke “Soros” as a dog whstle for everything

They’d be rounding on Viktor Orban, or Le Pen, or AFD, or Salvini, or Duterte, or the US Republican party, or those who vilify “the wrong kind of Jews”, ie. those who support Labour or support the cause of Palestine, of which there are many

They don’t criticise any of these people, which proves it is all a sham

It is merely a weapon to provide cover for Israel to try and destroy any sort of solidarity for Palestine internationally

It is the very definition of Orwellian

Fine gael have done a great job standing up for nationalists in Northern Ireland. Where were the shinners for all of this? sitting in the student union filling out false expenses claims to be signed off by the queen whilst the grown up with getting on with proper politics


I believe Paddy Jackson was guilty because the evidence strongly suggested he was guilty

It still does

It could not be proven beyond reasonable doubt to the burden of criminal proof, which is a different thing altogether

Brett Kavanaugh has copious evidence against him to strongly suggest he was a sexual predator

You dismissed every bit of it, and spent hours digging through far right conspiracy sites to try and discredit Christine Blasey Ford

You also defended the shamefully incompetent and incomplete FBI background checks, which were designed specifically so nothing would even be investigated

That’s textbook hatred of women

It’s exactly what one would expect from a scumbag such as you whose entire repugnant worldview is gleaned from far right US media and conspiracy sites, ie. the bullshit industry

When you get your entire worldview from the bullshit industry, well, obviously your views on pretty much everything are going to be bullshit

You are a fascinating but grotesque thought experiment

This is a wonderful opportunity for all of Ireland, if sensible politicians both sides of the border can grasp it (a big if). Ireland has the perfect opportunity to be the favored destination for global multinationals, a conduit for trade between the US and Europe and visa versa, and the technology hub for digital commerce. US companies love to deal with the Irish as they are rational, realistic and pro business.

Good times ahead I feel. Maybe not for the UK - NI, but fuck them.

I love women mate.

If you’re looking for GUBU, stalking a woman across continents in the hopes of finding a soiled tampon wouldn’t be my thing.

as long as the likes of Sinn Fein and the DUP were not involved, unfortunately you just know these apes will fuck things up

roaming charges will be unaffected, what was the hullabalooo about? project fear is right

“We have insisted that there is no veto” - SF :joy::joy::joy:

Talk about trying to make out that they had any influence whatsoever. They found out what happened after the event by looking at RTE- not at any point during it.

It was FG and Irish civil servants looking out for Irish and N. Irish communities. SF had their thumb up their hole and were the equivalent of some loon sounding off on twitter “on what should happen with Brexit”

I suppose you’ll have the likes of @anon61878697 and the Celtic-shirt brigade etc falling for it though so fair fucks to them for chancing their arm


I’ve never stalked anyone, mate

I doubt that’s true of you

And the obsession with tampons is entirely yours

Every second post of yours these days seems to be about soiled tampons

That is deeply weird

I think that’s yet one more smoking gun in the litany of evidence across this forum proves that the unhealthy, creepy obsession and hatred of women is entirely yours

Thank you to Liadh, Martina and Matt for protecting our interests in Europe.

Edit: And the dearly departed Lynn while she was there too.



Sinn Fein have become an irrelevance, nobody knows what they stand for. A strong FF/SDLP alliance would see them off in NI as well. The DUP are obviously a big concern, but maybe in time they will merge with FG, not as mad as it seems as many in FG have Unionist sympathies.

A sensible centrist government is the way to go, and would eventually have the support of most on the island.

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Ireland would be a far better place if Sinn Fein didn’t exist

One that supports Israeli war crimes and targetted assassinations and yet dog whistles about Soros presumably being your definition of “sensible centrist” :grin:

Sinn Fein MEPs have delivered us from evil.

I think Sinn Fein and indeed FG have screwed up badly here

These “consent” provisions seem very unsatisfactory to me

It looks like a carte blanche for further uncertainty in the future if this thing goes through

It may only take one bad set of Stormont election results to plunge the whole thing back into chaos or at least limbo

The UUP and FG would be a perfect fit

They should make this guy Colonies minister

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Leo like a peacock here on sky news