British Politics

I don’t debate with racist white supremacist Nazis like yourself, pal.

Piss off to 4chan or wherever you get your insane opinions.

I really don’t see what you’re going for here.

There were two States created.

The idea of a homeland for the Jewish people is not racist (or bizarrely, anti Semitic) as claimed here.

So, can’t answer the question regarding Arab racism.
In your sordid mind Jews are racist and Arabs are not, even though Jews were just as entitled to live in Palestine as Arabs, accepted the UN partition in 1947, unlike the Arab nations who invaded and tried to exterminate them (again).
Do you really hate Jews that much that you would prefer if all of them had been exterminated?
You are truly a sick cunt.

Answer my question, which specifically relates to a point you raised.

You’re just playing dumb because you’re cornered by the question and to answer it either way would be a very bad look for you.

Gas to see you champion the UN when it suits :rofl::rofl:

You are incapable of rational debate. The only form of debate you are capable of is inventing things you imagine others said and arguing against that.

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Is it just alcohol you’re on this morning or is it something stronger?

Something a lot stronger would be my guess.

They get the occasional thing right. Clearly with the British leaving and roughly 50:50 Jew Arab population the obvious solution was two states. It was the Arabs that rejected it and invaded.

There you go with ad hominem again when you have zero ability to debate.

The creation of Israel was of course a clusterfuck. It doesn’t mean it was racist.

The idea of a Jewish home for a Jewish people is not racist.

Ultimately what was created and accepted by Israel was two States.

The actions of Israel since are of course open to question. Aspects of Zionism are of course open to question and criticism. That doesn’t make the State or Israel a racist state.

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Projection, gaslighting, bullshitting, frothing at the mouth - all in all, the definitive labane post.

You still haven’t answered the question.

In the mind of the halfwit Jeremy Corbyn and his supporters, only Jews can be racist, the Arabs who tried (and still try) to wipe them out cannot possibly be racist.

‘Invaded’ a country that wasn’t there 10/15 years earlier is it? :rofl:

You’re some clown of a man.

You’re making a fool of yourself.

Find a dark room and calm yourself down, you frothing mess.

Why would I?

You brought up an ascpect of Zionist writers that you didn’t like.

Ultimately the State of Israel was created by international accord with Israel accepting two States. The idea of a Jewish homeland is not racist.

The idea of it is fine — the right to it at the expense of people already living on the land for generations upon generations is a completely different thing.

The idea of a United Ireland is a fine idea … would you condone Irish troops/ citizens going up north and taking over Unionist land / houses at will?

See, there you go.

I ask a simple question which is directly related to a point you tried to make. You simply refuse to answer when you’re cornered by the question.

I think the last half an hour or so of posts here have been very instructive.

You can’t ask a simple, relevant question which stumps the anti-Corbyn nutcases here without them completely flying off the handle and projecting all sorts of insanity all over the board.

These people simply have no concept of the world outside their bigoted little bubble and when challenged, completely lose the plot.

It’s absolutely hilarious.

That’s not what I said.

I never said that.

You’re just sorry the Holocaust didn’t kill all the Jews, mate.

Go Trump!

Cutural Marxism is destroying the world!