British Politics

What are you on about? Aren’t you supposed to be a historian?
So what if it didn’t exist 10 or 15 years earlier, you could say the same about large parts of Europe before and after both world wars.
Try and stick to the historical facts, the state of Israel was created by the UN in 1947, it was invaded by five Arab nations in 1948 whose goal was to exterminate all Jews.
Surprising you are on the side of the racists.

Tut tut

Nope- of course not. Displacing people off their land is not right. Elements of the creation of the State of Israel were absolutely wrong but the concept is not racist.

Here’s the facts.

Those who claim to be in favour of a two state solution curiously always omit as to where they think the Palestinian state will and should be.

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Put up a map showing the population of Jews in Arab countries over the same period. About half a million were driven out from Morocco to Iraq. Do the same for Europe while you are at it.

What the fuck has that to do with the Palestinian people / territory? - Are you saying because jews were treated bad else where that they have a right to wipe out the Palestinian people? Bizarre

Come back when you’ve decided to debate, rather than ranting nonsensically in a Fox News style about things that aren’t being debated.

The borders were clearly drawn in 1947 in the UN resolution.

The facts since the creation of Israel…

Here we go — championing the UN again :rofl:

Nonsensical argument. Palestinian Jews had the same right to live in Palestine as Palestinian Arabs.
Where the fuck did you expect the half million Jews who were expelled from Arab countries from 1946 to 1948 to go to? Maybe they should have gone to Europe where they were so welcome.

I suppose it’s unsurprising that a Limerick man hates Jews.

Can yourself and @anon7035031 expand on this creation and the UN vote — was there a constitution or article written that specifically dictated that Israel was to expand and wipe out the Palestinian people and their land at will?

Can you point out where I said I hate Jews? I detest Israelis

What the fuck had it to do with the people of Palestine? Why not stick them in America or Britain?

@anon7035031 and @Tim_Riggins are on nothing more than Gish gallop here.

They’ve no intention of actually debating.

@anon7035031 has been typing flat out for the last hour, non-stop.

He must have no life.

Of course not you idiot clown. Israel accepted the 1947 resolution. It was the Arabs who didn’t, not just Palestinians but most of the neighboring Arab states. The 1948 war was started by Arab states invading the new Israeli state.

Are you acting the simpleton or actually a simpleton?

Yeah - I’m the one acting the idiot here … can you expand on the map above so please- where does this fit in with the 'agreement?? Why does the Israeli state continue to this day to carry out a holocaust against the Palestinian people?

Plenty Jews ended up in America where they were welcome, at a time when Europe was intent on slaughtering all of them.