British Politics

I didn’t say the conception of it was, I said the creation of it was, which took place after WWII, aided by the guilt and anti-semitism of the western powers at the time.
Nor did I imply it, you inferred it.

Your quotes about it being displaced Jews and the West going “wait a minute, that’s where they can go” is just wrong though.

Let’s just ignore that hundreds of thousands who had moved before the end of the war (yes accepted that anti semitism instigated much of that, but that’s not your argument) but the ones post WWII mostly did it illegally with Britain trying to stop it. At that point the Jews were fighting both the British and the Arabs until the 1948 foundation.

Earlier on you were complaining that people would consider the circumstances surrounding the formation of the state of Israel or the state itself as racist.

Yet, when confronted with one of the founding myths of the state of Israel, that it was “a land without a people” - an outright lie and a racist one at that, you have nothing to say.

Curious that, isn’t it?

Where did I say that?

Post 557

Where in there?

Right there.

I haven’t mischaracterised anything you’ve said.

You appear to just be playing dumb now.

So where exactly have I stated in there that it was a “land without people” or deny the Palestinian people?


Will ye decide which side yere on.

Tim, it clearly doesn’t. This is one of the myths that nutcases who hate Israel and have zero knowledge of the history of the region in the late 1940s like to perpetrate. There were about a million Palestinians in all of Palestine in 1945, and about 100,000 Jews, prior to any migrations of refugees. Many Jews fled to Palestine from Europe but most Jewish refugees came from Arab nations. By 1947 and before the civil war there were about equal numbers of Arabs and Jews.

All would have been averted if the Arab nations had accepted the partition agreement of 1947, but of course they didn’t and choose to try and wipe out the remaining Jews that Europeans hadn’t managed to. It’s utterly shameful that you still have people today denying the effort to eliminate all Jews from Europe and Arab nations in the 20th century, and blame the Jews for trying to prevent it.

Deary me.

Earlier you were complaining that people would consider the circumstances surrounding the founding of the state of Israel as racist.

Then, when a blatantly racist founding myth of the state of Israel is pointed out to you, you go silent.

Was the deliberate lie that the land where the state of Israel now is was “a land without a people” racist or not in your view?

Do you think that it’s racist to deny the very existence of a people?

This specifically addresses what you were earlier talking about, remember.

Straw man argument, nobody has said that.
There was plenty racism around at the time, and the Jews were the main victims of it.
Unsurprisingly you are on the side of those who would like to see all Jews exterminated.

It’s utterly shameful that there are still people like yourself who are not only ignorant of history, but outright Islamophobes who deny the right of the Palestinian people to live in their homeland.

That right there is the mentality of those who sought to drive the native Irish off their land during the plantations.

Again, though, the imperial colonising mentality is never far from surface with you.

I’m not part of the anti-semitic alt-right, pal - that’s yourself.

And you didn’t address my post.

Were the Arab nations who drove half a million Jews from their homes from Morocco to Iraq racist?
How about the Europeans who killed 6 million Jews, were they racist?
Palestinian Jews had as much right to live in Palestine as Palestinian Arabs.
You are clearly a Jew hater and actually a Nazi apologist, in your sick mind it’s too bad Europe didn’t finish the job and kill all Jews.

The creation of the two states in 1948 (unfortunately rejected by the Arab states) did not have that with it being accepted by the new State of Israel.

You’re insane.

See a psychiatrist.

Never mind that all of that there is the most obvious projection and gaslighting.

Those who believe in liberal democracy support Israel’s right to exist and it’s right to defend itself.
Lefty nutcases support Hamas and Hezbollah and regard them as great friends.
Think about it.

Answer my question.

Was one of the founding myths of the state of Israel, that the land on which it now sits was “a land without a people”, racist?