British Politics

This is the exact same attitude that has pervaded the modern day Republican party.

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Who gives a fuck what Europe was doing? If the Americans and Tans were so beset on giving them a home why not take them in themselves? Why did they facilitate the genocide of the Palestinian people right up today?

Two states were created, it’s not that difficult.


It’s anti-semitic to question literally anything Israel does, mate, just remember that.

Why can’t you get it into your thick head that the initial two state solution was acceptable to Israel? The history of the Israeli Arab conflict since then is due to racist hatred by Arabs who would like to see all Jews exterminated, Nazis basically. The only holocaust was the Jewish holocaust, which don’t forget Limerick was a part of.

The map above would suggest it was very difficult - when 99% of the land belonged to the Palestinian people for 1000s of years - how do you create two states out of 1% ? — and then if you do - are you allowing the 1% carryout a genocide against the other with the help of more powerful nations?

I think you forgot the Irish famine there, didn’t you?

The Irish being just as persecuted as the Jews, or something.

It’s certainly anti-semitic to support Hamas and Hezbollah who’s stated aim is extermination of all Jews.
Why do you support these Nazis?

There was no Israel you handicapped cunt. Jewish people owned 1% of the land in the state— of course they welcomed two states you stupid fucking dopey bastard.

The Irish famine was a genocide, try and learn some English.

There was an Israel in 1947, it was created by the UN. Why is the state of Israel any more or less valid than any state formed after WWI or WWII? Have a look at the map of Europe before and after WWI and before and after WWII.
You should give your degrees back you ignoramus.

To deny a genocide has not been carried out against the Palestinian people is beyond fucking bat shit crazy … there was no Israeli state - nothing. You had a tiny population of Jewish people living in Palestine who owned 1 % of the land— the Jews dreamed of Israel as their rightful home because it was written in their magic book from 4000 years ago. …

The mind seriously boggles at the level of stupid at play in here.

How many Palestinians were killed in this genocide? If you actually were a historian you would know most deaths on both sides occurred due to wars started by Arabs.

The Jews were originally in that part of the world bro. For thousands of years they suffered hardship being persecuted no matter where they went.

It is not fair on the Palestines, granted.


There are some home truths that need to be told here.

Support for the state of Israel comes from a wide array of sources, and it includes outright anti-semites like Trump, Orban and Duterte.

Israel is just fine with their anti-semitism because they support Israel.

Many of those in the west who support Israel, and I’m particularly thinking of evangelical Christians and right-wing nut jobs, see Palestinians and Muslims as sub-human, therefore literally anything Israel does can be justified and literally any type of support for Palestine can be turned into cynical, false allegations of anti-semitism.

A lot of it is to do with the old imperialist colonial mindset that sees might as right.

These people generally don’t even have a problem with anti-semitism, a lot of them despise or don’t like Jews, but see the Israelis as allies against a perceived even greater threat, so give unconditional support to them.

Those who give unconditional support to Israel never answer questions, always furiously post irreleavancies to the topic being debated, and never admit that their views on the Israel-Palestine situation, if applied to anywhere else on the planet, would be seen as so ridiculous and abhorrent as to not be engaged with.

Even if their views, if applied to their home nation, would have meant the obliteration of that nation.

Take your meds.

The whole argument started (here) because Tim said the West had nothing to do with the creation of Israel … they dumped hundreds of thousands of Jews on the Palestinian people, stealing their land and creating conflict – they then went about creating 2 fucking states where only a few years earlier they weren’t even in the country… Your argument seems to be … Europe was bad to Jews so they deserved to displace the Palestinians and commit genocide right up today.

We had this debate some time ago. You admitted I was correct, and that it wasn’t a genocide.

Do try and move on.

Where do you suggest the half million Jews who were were driven out of Arab countries throughout the region in the same time frame should have gone to ? Limerick?
You really are a thick bastard.