British Politics

More delusion. It was a genocide, only an English cunt like yourself or Irish cowards afraid to offend the British would disagree.

A 12 year old version of history.

The whole argument here started because @Tim_Riggins couldn’t accept that it was legitimate to point to any circumstances surrounding the formation of the state of Israel as racist.

When it was pointed out to him that a founding myth of the state of Israel, that of it being “a land without a people”, was indubitably racist, because it denied the very existence of the Palestinian people, he ran away.

Then the other mentalist in Idaho who has forgotten his early morning meds steamed in like the insane racist nutcase he is.

I’m not the poster here who has colonial delusions.

Yet another piece of projection on your part.

I can read you like a book - actually book gives you far too much credit - we’ll say leaflet, written in big letters, the type that gets dropped in your letterbox.

Every single thing you accuse others of is something you are guilty of yourself.

It’s a very Trumpian mindset, which is not at all surprising, given that you’re a fanatical Trump supporter.

And it does demonstrate a deep mental sickness.

The Democratic party in the US has consistently supported Israel you fruitcake.

What’s your point?

I said precisely nothing about the US Democratic party.

Are you trying to Gish gallop again?

Frankly that map pre ‘48 is discredited. Jews lived all over the place and there simply was not a Palestinian State.

That doesn’t mean that the forceful expulsions of people from land was correct or that the creep since then, including settlements, was right.

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Williamson did precisely nothing to merit suspension.

Except this is wrong.

Israel was ultimately founded on the basis that there were to be two states on the former British Mandate, i.e. Israel accepted that was not the case.

The Labour Party are being very seriously damaged by Corbyn’s leadership

It is racist to maintain that Palestine was “a land without a people”.

You still haven’t admitted this.

It also racist to ethnically cleanse the native population off their land and not grant them the right of return.

On what basis was Israel founded?

Was it racist for Arab states from Morocco to Iraq to drive Jews out of their countries in the same period? You can’t admit that, you racist Jew hating bastard.

Address my points, please.

You’re still can’t bring yourself to admit that it was racist to deny that the Palestinian people existed.

You still can’t bring yourself to admit that ethnically cleansing a native population off the land and to not grant them right of return is racist.

Why is that?

This is the only substantive point at play in this debate - you were the one who brought it up by linking to that text about Corbyn, and it’s why I entered the debate.

Hours later, and you still haven’t answered the key questions about it.

Again, you hilariously search into the depths your depraved mind, and accuse somebody else of something that you are guilty of - being an actual anti-semite.

It’s the only way you can deal with your psychotic delusions.

Why should they have gone to Palestine and displace and murder the people there? Why not Peru or Australia?

Oh, and again, why did you delete your reams of posts which contained the anti-semitic, Nazi conspiracy theory “cultural Marxism”? :laughing:

What is there to address?

You stated that this was proof that Israel was racist but how?

The writings from some Zionist’s are just that, writings.

The facts are that Israel was created on the basis of two states for Palestine.

Many Zionists rejected partition, including Netenyahu’s father. Many of his ideas right up to his death were pretty vile.

That doesn’t change the fact that Israel was founded on the basis of two states for Palestine, NOT one. The displacement of persons was wrong and plenty of their movements actions during the war and after were wrong, but that is neither here nor there. Israel was created on the basis of sharing the land of Palestine, including Israel.

That was rejected by the Arabs unfortunately.

A lot of the behaviour of Israel since has been indefensible. I wouldn’t agree with the settlements, the treatment of Palestinians in Gaza, vetoing Palestinian statehood and a whole host of other of their actions.

The creation of the State was not racist, however.

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I’d have been perfectly happy for the Jews to settle in south-east Galway.

Where the useless, uncivilised natives starved to death, the Jews would have made the land fertile and prosperous.

And it would have been a beautifully appropriate payback for the existence of Lord Haw Haw.

Trust a Galwayman to have shamed Ireland by siding with the Nazis.