British Politics

You’re still not getting it, are you?

Deny, deny, deny, deflect, deflect, deflect.

The Riggins way.

How the fuck do you propose they get to Australia you maniac, they were thrown out with barely the clothes on their backs and their assets seized. Perhaps they felt they might be safer among other Jews than going to other countries, considering their history?

The Jews of Europe had no claim at all to the Palestinian lands they took… Just because 2000 years earlier their forefathers had lived there is that what @anon7035031 is basing their claim on?

I have deleted zero posts with the words cultural Marxism.
You are truly a deranged nutcase.

The whites had already displaced the native populations of those places and murdered many of them, so they were jealous that anybody else might want a piece of the action.

Whitey guards his bounty jealously.

Can you please tell me why they had a right to Palestinian land?

Why don’t you address me directly instead of winding up the resident nutcase?

I just did.

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Well there were logical reasons.

It was their historic homeland (as it was for many).

There was no nation state there.

The statement that Sidney references can be interpreted a few times ways, but even there is no doubt that some Zionists overstated how densely populated Israel was.

But the important part is the Balfour declaration. Britain expressed a wish for a Jewish State there. That led to many more Jews moving there, including the lead up to the War and immediately after it.

The varying competing thoughts on Zionism were not implemented though. There was compromise. The agreement to declare independence and accept the UN’s mandate was not universal.

That’s just the reality of it.

The only person who believes that is yourself.

Stop gaslighting, you Nazi anti-semitic conspiracy peddler.

Deny what?

Who said they had a right to it? They seized the land the same way every other human civilization and nation came about. Are you equally outraged about your ancestors seizing land in Ireland?

You’re still denying that it was racist to claim the non-existence of the Palestinian people.

You’re still denying that it was racist to ethnically cleanse the native Palestinians off their land and give no right of return.

No point bringing actual history into it, @anon61878697 prefers imagined history.

Historic links to a place has no credence… The Irish people come from Egypt and Basque country… Are you saying we can go and set up shop there? This otber horse shit about no state being their is pure imperial nonsense…there was a people there with their own language, heritage and culture… that’s a statement… The tans administering it is irrelevant. They had the same attitudes to India, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand et el… And look how the natives fared in all these countries.

You, but more so @anon7035031, are just excusing imperialism and clear historical wrong doing when you try and justify the creation of the Israeli state.

Lest we forget, @anon7035031 thinks the Palestinian people deserve a “homeland”, just not in Palestine.

So as far he’s concerned, the ethnic cleansing is far from done yet, just the 6 million are left to get rid of.

6 million to get rid of, now where have I heard that one before?

Sure Al Qaeda claimed that Spain should be part of a new “caliphate” because the Moors ruled Spain for 700 years.

Sod all difference.

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You’re some fool… And I’m a bigger fool plugging away on the phone engaging with you. Which is incredibly hard to sustain I must add.

Your man just said there that everyone has a right to plunder any nation they want… His mask finally slipped… Mr democracy and the free world eh, condones murder and colonization.

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The ridiculous thing is that he, more than any other poster here, insanely rails against entirely legitimate, peaceful immigration supposedly “destroying” countries, ie. the classic far right hatemongering playbook.

And yet he doesn’t see the contradiction between that view and believing that it’s just fine to plonk a new country of uninvited immigrants down on somebody else’s land, ethnically cleansing the natives off it in the process and coralling them into ghettoes.