British Politics

Persecution :joy:
Population of Jews in Europe prior to WWII: 9 million
Population after WWII: 2 million
If lads like you got their way it would be zero today.

You keep wind milling and blowing smoke … None of that … not one single bit of it justifies doing it to the Palestinian people.

What would you have done Choco?

I am not trying to justify the persecuting, and it is persecuting of the worst kind.

The development of Zionism was a cuntish idea.

What do you think the Jews should have done or should do?
They were persecuted for two thousand years, slaughtered by the millions in Europe and finally granted a piece of land that is 1/4 the size of Ireland, about the size of Munster. They agreed to divide the land into two states and were immediately attacked by 5 Arab states. They have been under constant attack since including fighting two more wars against their Arab neighbors.

The problem could have been resolved in 1947 and at any stage since by the rich Arab states investing in a Palestinian state alongside Israel. You know why they haven’t or don’t, because not alone do they hate Jews but they also hate Palestinians. Most of the poor Palestinians in the Gaza strip and West Bank were fucked out of neighboring Arab countries, that’s how much they love them.

You know all this is true and you’re just being a cunt.

Any chance of a country by country breakdown of this figure?

What could be done once they landed a load of illegals in there? The Jewish population had US backing and all kinds of sympathy after the holocaust … their treatment doesnt make it right despite the multiple times @anon7035031 keeps saying it. The right thing would have been to stem the flow of Jews and lay out proper laws / jurisdiction and made the Palestinians part of the process before having any kind of international vote … the suddenness with which it all happened was ridiculous and scant thought for the future of the Palestinian people. Maybe they may never have accepted it but they way they were just brushed aside over a few generations and no international action is sickening … US money / investment - along with other Arabs being brought into the fold by the tans and yanks could have made a difference also … it was just done with no planning /foresight or thought for the Palestinians and a lot of that stemmed from imperial tones of superiority.

Sure didn’t half of Rathkeale come from Northern Spain

He’s waffling … the aggressiveness of the new Israeli state did far more damage to displace these people

Why is your sympathy solely for the Palestinians?
No sympathy for the six million Jews slaughtered in Europe?
No sympathy for the roughly million who were chased out of Arab countries leaving all their belongings behind and never getting a penny of restitution?

I have great sympathy for the Palestinians but the Arab world is far more responsible for their plight today than the Jews.

There were hundreds of thousands there at that point and willing to fire a gun.

The Brits wanted out of that shitshow.

It was hardly sudden either.

I really don’t know what you expected to happen? The majority of Jews wanted a State of their own - they were promised one decades before by the Brits and it was the international consensus by then. They had just endured centuries of persecution and an attempt for their population to be wiped out in Europe, they were not prepared to be a minority in any state. Moreover, the influence of other Arab states on Palestine was ongoing. A one State solution was not going to work, as much as we would all like the idea of a federation or whatever.

The rights and wrongs of how they got there was pretty irrelevant at that point.

I have great sympathy for the jews that suffered in Europe … I just have no love for Israel.

Shur, you could argue the Israeli state was responsible for the Jews being chased out of Arab countries

You’ve no love for Muslims either, based on your inputs here over the years, including your rant about the hijab recently. You know well if the likes of the mullahs in Iran and the extremist wings of Islam had their way, there wouldn’t be a Jew left alive in the region.

Be no loss to humanity … they are carrying out genocide every day… We hung the Nazis for doing it.

Go to bed mate

Jaysus @anon61878697 and @Sidney gave @anon7035031 and @Tim_Riggins an awful chasing there


Agreed an internet massacre

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That’s a rash comment.

This is the sort of brain dead, infantile tripe you peddle on a daily basis.

And all while peddling, with a straight face, anti-semitic conspiracy theories like “cultural Marxism” too.

It’s the sort of thing which makes debate with you impossible and means the only rational response is to ridicule and abuse you - it’s thoroughly deserved.

You’re the forum’s answer to Gemma O’Doherty.