British Politics

There are no winners here

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I could barely watch there at the end.

If a one state solution will not work, if a two state solution will not work, if a federal system similar to Bosnia or the UK will not work - and I would argue that the first two of those stand no chance of succeeding while the third, for whatever chance it would have of succeeding, is highly unlikely to ever happen - doesn’t that just prove what a historical mistake the creation of the state of Israel was?

Your “sympathy” for Palestinians amounts to planning for their forced ethnic cleansing off the miniscule amount of land they still nominally hold.

If that’s your idea of sympathy, I’d hate to see your idea of hatred.

Ah yes the usual simplistic notions.

A one state solution would not have worked in 1947.

In terms of “working”, Israel transformed itself into a modern and prosperous democracy (of course with lots of help). Their actions have been appalling towards Palestinians since, but that is the reality.

What exactly were the UN to do in 1947 when the Arab states said no?

Most honest commentators say this was a grave mistake at the time, including Abbas.

Why? We depict the horrible crimes carried out by the Nazi party and Stalin et el as evil and sadistic… what’s being done to the Palestinian people is no worse - it’s just not given the same rhetoric by the main stream media.

I have no love for extremism - Like Saudi Arabia — Israel are no different in their extremism … the little cunts are nothing without American aid / weapons for years and after all the cunts have been through they turn around and do it to another people… I dont know if you’ve ever met any Israelis? I’ve met tonnes of them travelling in Asia, Oz. South America - horrible aggressive bastards … One fucker pulled a knife on me in Thailand because he thought I was ‘talking about him’ after he skipped the queue in the 7/11 … they are hungry bastards as well … all in all, a horrible, violent and extremist people … Gods chosen people

The creation of the state of Israel was the most simplistic idea of all.

A federation along the lines of Bosnia is not a simplistic idea. It is the only possible workable solution. It would be complicated but workable because it would by necessity mean mutual recognition and respect for each ethnic minority.

A two state solution is now impossible.

Chomsky described Israel as something far worse than apartheid South Africa - and he a Jew

cc @farmerinthecity

Ffs kid

Being honest - they should just nuke the whole mid east and let it as a nature reserve in the future

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Ok, so it’s personal.
That explains everything.

I didn’t say I disagree with a one state solution now did I?

It’s never personal, always business …

They are a horrible people.

There are different types of one state solution.

The federal solution maintains the identity and distinctiveness of each “nation” while pooling resources and demanding mutual respect.

That’s a more workable solution than a pure one state plan.

What I have said consistently is that the Arab states should have created a state for the Palestinians in a similar fashion to what was done for the Jews. There is plenty land there to do so, the ME is vast and Israel is a tiny country. It could have been done in 1947 or any time since, but the Arabs states won’t do it because of their hatred for Jews.

Maybe they mistook you for a Turk?

It would not have worked in 1947 is the point.

It is historically ignorant to think it would have.

I find it utterly puzzling how you continually refer to “the other Arab states” and things like “the Middle East is vast”.

It’s utterly irrelevant and utterly infantile, and is a clear demonstration that you believe the Palestinians should simply “clear off”.

Why didnt they create a state for the jews in Germany. It would have been right and proper to do so.

Is a fair bit of it not that they don’t consider Palestinians as some class of sub-Arabs?
I think I read it somewhere years ago. Can’t remember why though.
No doubt they hate the Jews but I don’t think they’ve any great love for the Palestinians either.

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