British Politics

Correct, Palestinians have been ran out of most Arab countries.

It is the only workable solution going forward.

The alternative is the continuing mass persecution of the Palestinian people.

Israel is in the grip of a frenzy of far right nationalism, though. Until it steps back and finds some sort of De Klerk type figure who can move things on, and there’s absolutely no sign of that, it will continue to be a pariah for large sections of the international community, and rightly so.

Surely you can’t blame the Jews for wanting to get as far away from Europe as possible? Every continental western European and many eastern European countries willingly gave up their Jews for slaughter. You simply cannot understand the Jewish mindset without the “never again” issue.

They might not have thought of it as being a very hospitable spot


Well that is neither here nor there to the point about 1947.

Why does everyone hate the Jews? Why always them?

Because they killed the mythological Christ?

Yay, more forced migration.

I don’t know any Israelis but I thought the comment about the Nazis wasn’t fair.

This notion of Jews being persecuted so they shouldn’t do it to others only works if you also consider the effect of centuries of torture of Jews based on some sort of stereotype of which there was no evidence of. It is still going on today.

I am not trying to justify what Israel do but I am trying to put it in context. The Jewish people for the first time in thousands of years had a recognised home and it may be a thought of them to defend that with everything they had. I am not saying it is right but I don’t believe it is fair to have a conversation about Israel without talking about the Jewish history.

To equate that with the Holocaust where a bunch of morons with a bizarre sense of superiority, rounded up and systematically exterminated 6 million people because of their religion doesn’t sit right with me.

And firing them in next door to the arabs worked a treat

The US invested billions to rebuilt Europe after the war. Why is it so hard to imagine that the Arab states could have helped resolve the Israeli Palestinian conflict instead of declaring war?
Why are you always on the side of the Islamic terrorists who want to wipe all Jews off the planet?

Ah shure there’s no pleasing some cunts

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They are exterminating the Palestinian people… Fact.

Chomsky has also rubbished the so called Jewish conspiracy that has the Yanks supporting Israel.

It’s about the US have a presence in the Middle East for oil purposes - that is as big of a scandal as anything.

Why do you support Jewish state terrorism in their plight to exterminate the Palestinian people?

There is no question the original establishment of a Jewish state was a bad idea, given the hatred Muslims have for Jews. However, there was also no way that Jews were going to settle for anything other than a state after WWII, especially as it was backed by the UN.

So their hatred of Jews and Palestinians is what you meant to say was stopping the rest of the Arab states from creating a state for Palestinians in the ME.
You say it could have been done any time after 1947?
How do you approach the Arab states with that proposal in 1947 given their hatred of both the Jews and the Palestinians?

Do the Palestinianl people have no history at all that we have to be mindful of the Jewish past only?

I’m not saying that they should be forgotten about. The creation of the state of Israel was a mad thing to do but all I’m trying to do is give a bit of context in relation to the Jews.

The Gaza Strip and West Bank situation is disgraceful.

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You can’t understand the right-wing Israeli mindset without understanding what happened in the Holocaust.

It isn’t just informed by it, it is, in a perverse way, a sick tribute to it.

Israel is not a product of the idealistic side of human nature, it is a product of a dark, dystopian idea of the survival of the fittest.

It is the victim as tyrant, it is a form of psychological revenge. Like most forms of such - as in the vilification of immigrants by native white Europeans as a psychological coping device after the financial crash - and indeed the vilification and eventual genocide of the Jews by the Nazis - the victim of the “revenge” at the end of it is not the perpetrator who inflicted the terror on the original victim, it is a weak, innocent third party who cannot fight back.

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