British Politics



The very fact that you are asking that question shows that there is no substance in antisemitism.

Some say it is to do with them being ‘fond of money’ (whatever that means). Back when Christianity took over, the Church forbade borrowings among Christians but Jews were allowed to lend hence that is how that appeared to start.

Some say they are ‘cliquey’ in terms of business. Bear in mind that they have been persecuted for years it is understandable that they would stick together.

Of course they were accused in the past of starting the Black Plague. Millions of them killed on that basis. The reason why was that not many Jews succumbed to the disease - this is mainly due to the fact that they were more advanced as a people than most Christians with regard to protecting ones health.

And or course the notion that they killed Jesus.

And most imporantly, given their history they were a minority wherever they went so it was easy to blame them for everything.

The Israel situation is wrong granted. The Jewish story though is a very tragic one.

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The story of native Americans is far, far more tragic and no one gives a snot about them. … It is what it is now but there’s no past transgressions carried out against the Jews that can ever excuse what has happened the Palestinian people… that’s all i’m saying (in between annoying that cock head @anon7035031). I think any sympathy I have for the Jews is done away when I see what they are now doing to the Palestinians …

Arguably a bigger scandal is the role of the outside bodies in relation to this.

Of course the Brits were there right at the start when Israel was created. And the Americans overlooking what is happening to the Palestinians so that they have a USA II in the oil rich Middle East.

And some Arab countries …

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The difference between South Africa and Israel is that there wasn’t a massive white South African lobby in the US and Britain.

The Israel lobby is what enables the situation to continue, effectively forever.

Israel could not survive without that lobby.

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When you say Israel lobby, do you mean Jewish lobby?

Israel lobby. The Israel lobby is far from just Jewish. The evangelical movement in the US, for instance, is fanatically pro-Israel.

Look at this country. Ireland doesn’t have a very vocal pro-Israel lobby in comparison to other countries, because we’re a small, peripheral country with a very small Jewish population and have a history of suffering at the hands of a colonial oppressor, but those that appear in the media here to defend Israel are nearly all white Christian men. Tom Cooney, Tom Carew, Mark Humphrys, Ruairi Quinn, Rory Cowan etc.

The religious right everywhere take support for Israel almost as a matter of faith, and as part of a wide ranging imagined culture war, so I presume that means the IONA institute support them as well. There seeemd to be a massive crossover between the No supporting presence on social media during the 8th Amendment referendum and support for Israel.

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Yeah Ruairi Quinn the Christian and also one of the first openly atheist ministers ever in the State.


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Ruairi Quinn was brought up into the Christian tradition, same as I was. He went to St. Michael’s College and Blackrock College, both Holy Ghost Fathers, look them up.

Whether he practices Christianity or what he believes is irrelevant as to him being brought up in the Christian faith.

I’m also an atheist but was brought up into the Christian faith, same as Quinn.

Thanks for lifting from his Wikipedia.

You are desperately trying to shoehorn in more US centric stuff into your posts.

“White Christian man” means absolutely fuck all in Ireland.

Thanks for trying to shoehorn your standard cliches into a post when you’ve nothing to argue with.

And believe me, it’s not me who’s bringing US centric bullshit onto this forum - I’m talking to somebody who buys wholesale into the US Republican-inspired imagined culture war and laughably claims to be American, remember. Last time I checked, CBC Monkstown was in Monkstown, South Dublin, not South Dakota. :laughing:

I leave you to post away on US Politics these days, that’s nothing to do with this.

You always seem to be very upset by my background, your insecurity over your obsessions is odd but anyway.

Onto the matter at hand, the description of “white Christian males” is one of the stupidest ones I’ve seen here, it’s you directly copying some muck you read on US Politics onto here.

White and Christian in Ireland, a country that was almost entirely White and Christian up until a few years ago. So insightful.

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Deary me, now editing posts with further details on my background. Bizarre, I see I’ve touched a nerve with you in calling out your Fintan O’Toole lite post.

I notice you don’t post there much these days, probably too embarassing for you given the carry on of far right moron you eulogised.

I couldn’t give a shit about your background Tim - it’s just very funny seeing you play the Walter Mitty over it.

Ah here, now, don’t do yourself down by calling yourself “muck”.

Lucky you went back and edited your post there, mate, by the way, because it made no sense. I do aim to be “insightful” but you just dismiss it as “inciteful”.

Probably because you’ve never liked your opinions being challlenged in any way.

Fintan O’Toole is in your head, mate. Rent free. As am I.

Some Tory goon on BBC2’s Politics Live has just claimed that the Tories can’t be Islamophobic because Sajid Javid is a Muslim.

Time for him to be suspended from the party over his blithe dismissal of a serious problem, surely?

“I don’t give a shit about your background” but you seem to bring up the American part of my life far more than I. You then go and post little details on my life. Odd.

I really don’t, Tim, but it’s hard not to find your Walter Mitty-esque spiel funny.

I see you’ve given up on this White Christian Male thing. I mean, what would we describe the;

  • Irish cabinets of the 1950s and 1960s who delayed de jure recognition of Israel. Were they almost entirely White and Christian?
  • How about the Irish cabinets of the 70s, 80s and early 90s who delayed opening up an Israeli embasssy in Dublin after other Western countries? White and Christian?
  • How about Brian Cowen in 2003 visiting Yassir Arafat while holed up by Israel? White and Christian?

What is funny about where someone has lived in the past?