British Politics

Nothing, pal.

I live in Galway but it doesn’t make me Galwegian, and it would be pretty funny if I claimed it did, not in a laughing with me way either.

I see you haven’t given up on the rabbit hole. Keep burrowing, you weirdo.

You are entitled to consider yourself what you want. I consider myself both Irish and American, but more Irish. That’s just the way it is.

I’m sorry that it makes you upset. Twitter and Slate is a real indicator of America.

Rabbit hole?

What would describe Dick Spring as when he went to meet the PLO in 1995, despite opposition from Israel?

Would he be White and Christian and well?

I’m not a bit upset, pal, just amused. :grin:

Keep projecting, though.

Former rugby player?
Kerry North TD?

It must be very dark down in that burrow?

Deary me, come out and give your eyes some light, mate.

What would we call Brian Lenihan when he said the PLO were not a terrorist organization in 1980, much to the annoyance of Israel?

Would it be White and Christian?

To appropriate the language of your beloved anti-abortion movement, maybe we could call him an undead corpse?

This passage is contained in “Flat Earth News” by Nick Davies (2008).

…the most potent electric fence in the world is the one erected on behalf of the Israeli government…journalists who write stories which offend the politics of the Israeli lobby are subjected to a campaign of formal complaints and pressure on their editors; most of all, they are inundated with letters and emails which can be extravagant in their hostility…there is now a network of pro-Israel pressure groups who specialise in orchestrating complaints against the media. HonestReporting has offices in London, New York and Toronto and claims to have 140,000 members on whom it can call to drench media organisations in letters and emails (he goes on to describe many more pro-Israel pressure groups)…the result is that some facts become too dangerous: to report Palestinian casualties; to depict the Palestinians as victims of Israeli occupation; to refer to the historic ousting of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians from their homes; to refer to the killing of Palestinian civilians by Zionist groups in the 1940s…words become dangerous: to speak of ‘occupied territories’; to describe Palestinian bombers as anything other than ‘terrorists’; to reject the Israeli government euphemism of ‘targeted killings’. Crucially, there is no lobby of similar force on the Palestinian side.

My beloved what?

Is this another of your hobby horses that you’re trying to shoehorn in?

You know that joke about the lad who finds himself lost in belfast. Someone puts a gun to his head and asks if he’s protestant or catholic. The man says that he’s an aethiest. The gunman then asks the lad if he’s a protestant aethiest or a catholic aethiest.
I suppose the joke illustrates how bigoted and stupid some peiole are. @Sidney probably doesn’t recognise himself in the joke…

From rabbits to horses.

You really are doing the rounds of the animal kingdom today, mate.

If you’re going to make a joke about athiests, at least make sure you can spell the word properly, pal.

It sort of makes you the joke.

Sorry bud. Some consolatin for you


you thick cunt


If you’re going to make a joke about spelling, at least make sure you can spell.

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Fuck back to bed you.

Have you ran any Jews out of Cork today?

The way I originally heard that one was he says that he’s Jewish. Gunman then exclaims ‘well fuck me, I must be the luckiest Arab in Belfast’

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Stupidity can be contagious, mate, especially when reading your posts. :grin: