British Politics

Arsenic capsule or a secret colony in a rainforest/Tramore

Leave that for Yaxley-Lennon, just milkshake May

This would be funny, but it’s the Express so obviously bullshit

She will be replaced by worse. Its corbyn needs the revolver and whisky.

What a bizarre scenario- you couldn’t make it up

UKIP are obviously targetting the women’s vote in a big way, or something

However this stuff will genuinely solidify their base, as they say in the US

How long before the Republicans adopt this as actual policy

Is that not from a few years ago? Has he done it again?

UKIP are probably going to be wiped out by Farage’s new lot so not going to help that narrative. It is going to reinforce (wrongly imo) the suggestion that the UK doesn’t have an issue with the far right vs Europe. It’s peddled by some with the FPTP Westminister system giving cover when it matters.

Farage is a slime ball but what he has managed to do to UK national politics is impressive from an electoral and directing policy point of view.

The date’s a bit of a giveaway as to when it’s from

Is the penny finally dropping that the far right are a big problem?

Didn’t see a link or title there, was just shocked the moron has done it again!

I don’t think 10-15% of the vote for one end of the spectrum is a huge issue. So long as Merkel doesn’t go off on a solo run again and Europe’s economy stabalises I don’t see much more growth for them. In the majority of Europe there is an element of PR type systems that allows these voices to be heard in a measured way.

There’s no such a thing as “a measured way to hear these sort of voices”

The far right infects everything it touches, it’s like the plague

It’s “message” has no legitimacy

The logical endpoint of the far right is always genocide

The far right should never be listened to, only fought bitterly

Conditions have never been more fertile for their growth and we see this in America

Clued in people have been saying this for years and have continually been proven right and will continue to be in the future

The penny has not dropped for enough people

UKIP has always been about fascism and so has every other “populist” right-wing bullshitter in Europe and so is Trump

They are an existential threat to peace and whatever democracy we have


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Point out one wrong thing in it

The penny obviously hasn’t dropped for you so

i won’t sleep tonight after reading that!


The Dunning-Krueger prototype guinea pig @anon7035031 showing supreme racist arrogance yet again

He has no understanding of politics in any country and even the bit he claims to have is limited to horse race politics and shouting “communist” at everybody

You’d get more insight from an actual dog


Right-wing politics in a nutshell

Jess is one of the good ones