British Politics

Not when she brings up anti semitisim in the Labour Party and Jeremy Corbyn’s attitude to it though, according to Sid.

I’ve read enough from you (and the other pretend anti-anti-Semite who is actually a raving anti-semite himself) to know that you don’t give a flying fuck about anti-Semitism - your sole interest in the topic is to try and tar political actors you don’t like with that brush.


You were criticising Jess Phillips there a few weeks ago for criticising the Dear Leader. You must have forgotten that in your desperation to get something up about the Far Right.

Respond to my point there Tim.

Funny how I heard nothing from you about, oh, say, Roger Scruton’s anti-Semitism.

Funny how I hear nothing from you about the anti-Semitism which is endemic in right-wing politics everywhere now.

Guess that doesn’t suit your disingenuous agenda.

Apparently thinking that it’s disgraceful that a female MP should be the subject of rape threats by right-wing nut jobs now means you have to agree with them on everything they say about politics.

At least according to you it does.

To call that logic fucked up is a serious understatement.

Stop deflecting Sid.

I never said the right wing didn’t have anti semites.

You, however, have consistently defended anti Semites in the Labour Party and how it has been handled.

Jess Phillips was a vile “centrist” a few weeks ago as per yourself, now she is back in the good books. It’s funny to see again from you.

I’m not deflecting, you are

I specifically put points to you that you haven’t addressed

You don’t give a shit about anti-Semitism as you only want to use it to try and tar Corbyn - you’re completely blind to it elsewhere and have been defending vicious ani-Semitic politics for years

Now you say one can’t think it’s disgraceful that a politician with who you disagree with on some things should be the subject of vile rape threats from right-wing crazies

Ie. your implication is that if you don’t agree with said politician on everything, you support rape threats against them

That’s just fucking weird

Your words are utterly bizarre and a dead giveaway that you have some serious misogyny problems too - your stance on abortion was a big red flag

To say, as you have that “she’s in your good books because she’s the subject of a rape threat” is totally weird

You keep digging yourself into incredible rabbit holes that expose not only your paucity of understanding, but your weird views, because you have no understanding of politics outside of your turgid football team/horse race ideas

This is just the latest

Every time Kate Andrews of the “Institute of Economic Affairs” appears on Question Time to call for the NHS to be abolished, it should be stated clearly that she’s a shill for the tobacco industry

And thus she should never be on Question Time or anything else on BBC, and neither should anybody else from this sham propaganda disinformation vehicle

Can we get a list of MPs in the Conservative party who aren’t running for PM? They’ll be out of the EU before they’ve picked someone

Magic Grandad Jezza in good company.

Boris facing criminal charges over the bus.

How much chance James Cleverly for next leader @balbec and @RaymondCrotty?

Zero. I reckon Hunt myself.

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Zero chance? He must have better chance than zero the bookies are saying around 25/1 and he has entered the race officially!

It’s not all about bookies you know. All these lads are declaring in the hope of pulling enough votes to have some bit of influence in selecting the final two in the hope of getting a cabinet job. Cleverly has never even been in the cabinet. No chance.

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The bookies are a good barometer is all i’m saying. I’ve a mate on the mainland into the politics and he likes Cleverly’s chances as a sort of compromise candidate.

He can like away. Won’t happen.

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I’d fucking love it if Cleverly gets it now.

I’d trust your mate ahead of some muldoon living in a flat complex in warsaw


Suit yourself.

The mps may select a “compromise” candidate. The miserable nasty old bigots who comprise the tory party membership will elect the most hard-line brexiteer on offer. That is all.
You only need to ask yourself what kind of inadequate, piss smelling racist would find some sort of sense of community spirit down the local Conservative club, and there you have your answer.