British Politics

Very little. He’s a bit of a lightweight… I backed Rory Stewart to make it to final two earlier in week. He is by far the best candidate and will garner support from those vehemently opppsed to Johnson or Raab. He has no chance of becoming leader of course as he is far too pragmatic and reasonable.

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[quote=“RaymondCrotty, post:1042, topic:14932, full:true”] he is far too pragmatic and reasonable.
That’s him out

Another Old Etonian.

The danger is that we get one of the absolute idiot nutjobs like Esther McVey in the final two versus Stewart. Johnson is an utter twat and incompetent but he will bottle a hard Brexit.

It must be an awful way to live ones life, via the odds being offered by a vermin cunt like a bookie

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Johnson is a populist and self serving, he will bottle any hard decisions to try and keep everyone happy

Yeah I don’t think Boris fancies the immediate short term that would be a Hard Brexit.

I guess in some ways that the sensible Tory MPs mean that even an Esther McVey won’t be able to go for a Hard Brexit.

Or having to take sponsorship money off them.

@Smark your hot tip James Cleverly withdrew from the Tory leadership race today.

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Not such a hot tip after all then.

This Rory Stewart lad is a weird mix. I think he might be the man to fill May’s shoes, metaphorically and maybe even literally.

No chance he wins a run off.

Trump should run for it, or maybe Yaxley Lennon

The sort of odd ball politics we’ve been seeing you’d never know. He’s Boris lite.

Very surprised that Labour held Peterborough. It voted 60% in favour of Brexit and if Brexit Party cannot win there now it is hard to imagine them winning many seats in a General Election.

Surprised at that.

Fucknut Farrage fails yet again when it comes to the big boys politics, another failure in trying to win a seat in Parliament


A large number of postal votes apparently. I wonder where they came from?

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Bookies had stopped taking bets. Lib dems doubled their vote.