British Politics

They’ll make no impact in a General Election other than to depress the Tory vote and swing a load of marginals away from the Tories

Shows up the thought out there that will lose the north without taking a Brexity position and half way People’s Vote position elsewhere.

I don’t see how the Tories get themselves out of the Brexit mess they’re in. Labour have a chance, though Grandad Jezza wants Brexit.

Labour would be in power now if keir starmer was party leader. Corbyn is toxic to the middle ground, and the longer he’s there, the greater the threat of the lib dems. A libdem-green alliance would be powerful in the current climate.


They wouldn’t

You don’t get nearly 13 million votes being toxic to the so called “middle ground”

Maybe the “middle ground” isn’t what you think it is

Starmer is the leader in waiting, that toxic cunt Corbyn is doing them untold damage

Would your mate Sir Keir give you a couple of jobs on quangos?

He’s no Vince Cable, lacking the common touch

I’m on enough already.


Vince is a very decent man, Corbyn is an intellectual pygmy compared to him

The only people who still think he should be leader are the full blown cultists and those who can’t admit to being wrong ever.


It’s OK, mate, Vince is quitting, you can calm yourself down now.

They are haemorrhaging voters, even Comrade McDonnell acknowledges this

He has a brain even if he’s dangerous, Corbyn is thick and being led around by Seamus Milne.

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taking orders from the likes of Len McCluskey

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Michael Gove hailed Boris Johnson as a politician whose “fate” is to “make Britain great” in a bizarre rap song written to mend fences after killing off Johnson’s bid to be Tory leader three years ago.

The environment secretary penned the ode to Johnson last year, riffing on the opening song of the hit musical Hamilton with the words:

. . . the world’s gonna know your name
. . . What’s your name . . . ?
Alexander B Johnson
My name is Alexander B Johnson
And there were a million votes we won
Making Britain great,
That’s my fate, that’s my fate.

Gove performed the song at the 30th birthday party of former Tory aide Carrie Symonds in March 2018. She would later become Johnson’s girlfriend. Gove’s performance was watched by ministers including Sajid Javid and dozens of Conservative aides.

While most of those present found the performance amusing, Johnson seemed somewhat bewildered by the lengths Gove had gone to. He was accompanied by a backing track and an aide clicking his fingers to assist Gove’s rendition.

Perhaps watching the man who had knifed him in 2016 caused Johnson to reflect on the source material. Hamilton the musical tells the story of Alexander Hamilton, one of America’s founding fathers, who was shot dead in a dual by Aaron Burr, the third vice-president of the United States.

Gove’s attempt to reingratiate himself with Johnson by morphing into the figure of a repentant Burr led to him describing Johnson as the “top gunner” of the Vote Leave campaign who would “lead the fight to save our land”.

Despite his efforts, friends of Johnson say he remains hurt by Gove’s behaviour in 2016. The two have known each other since they were students at Oxford, where Gove helped Johnson win election to become Oxford Union president.

Details of the song are contained in a new biography of Gove by the political journalist Owen Bennett to be published next month. But the book also reveals that in recent weeks Gove told MPs at a private dinner that he was trying to perform a “public service” when he scuppered Johnson’s campaign by saying he was unfit to be prime minister.

Gove’s unlikely love of rap is longstanding. In 2014, when he was education secretary, Gove was asked by schoolchildren to recite his favourite rap. He slipped willingly into a rendition of the 1983 hit Wham Rap, in which George Michael and Andrew Ridgeley waxed lyrical about the joys of unemployment.

Matt Hancock, the health secretary, who is also running for leader, has repeatedly stated his admiration of the Mercury prize-winning grime artist Skepta. However, Hancock was undone when he was not able to name a single song by the artist.

Gove’s golden wonder: the rap in full
The million-pound NHS funder
A golden wonder,
Brought us out of the EU blunder . . .
By fighting like thunder,
By blowing enemies asunder.
Which is why Vote Leave made him top gunner.

And every day remain complained
And people said his career was destroyed
Inside he knew the country needed freedom
And that was going to be the place he would lead them
And then a referendum came,
The BBC and Guardian thought they had inflicted pain

And Craig Oliver
Knew you better than to play the game. Well the word got around that kid was our man
We got to get him to lead the fight to save our land
Get our liberation, don’t forget from whence he came
And the world’s gonna know your name . . . What’s your name . . .?
Alexander B Johnson
My name is Alexander B Johnson
And there were a million votes we won
Making Britain great,
That’s my fate, that’s my fate.

Dear me.

I’m not sure his cocaine taking finished 20 years ago


Judging by that rap he was serious amounts of acid.

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