British Politics

He hates Scousers too.

That’s just Boris being Boris

No wonder @Tim_Riggins loves him



They are actually heading for carnage. Companies are lining up to shut down or at a minimum reduce their presence. There is the bones of a 100k jobs that could be gone by the end of the year. Yet the stupid thickos can’t see the wood from the trees.

That’s beautiful

Harper, Leadsom and McVey gone after the 1st round of voting.
Johnson highest number of votes by 71, next round of voting next week.
Dunno why they are bothering, he’s getting in regardless of what everybody knows about him. It’s all been priced into the decision to back him.

Nice to see loathsome and mcvile gone.
Anything fishy at all about this??

a bad spreadsheet


What is it? Polling stations for the vote? Doesn’t matter. Short of loafing the queen and kicking her in the cunt, Johnson will win.
He is the man of the blue rinse brigade who get to vote in this fiasco and will walk it despite being one of the most horrific fucks around.

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Boris will deliver Brexit.

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he will in his bollix

Parliament won’t pass a no-deal Brexit, won’t pass any deal that Europe will agree to and won’t renege on Brexit. They’re fucked. They need a dictatorship.

He may be the only neck sheer enough to call the whole thing off and come out the other side - well i was going to say untarnished - with his reputation only slightly less in the toilet than it already is due to the fact that it is already dreadful.

Not a spoiled vote in it out of 33k cast. Utterly remarkable.

Go on, enlighten us with a fishy tail…

The conservatives aren’t as thick as they seem

Heseltine summed him up perfectly.

Boris Johnson is a politician who “waits to see the way the crowd is running and then dashes in front and says “follow me””


That’s the Peterborough by election that Labour miraculously won last week.