British Politics

Here is a pictorial metaphor for Boris Johnson being elected leader of the Tory party and PM


Sure they only have to put an x in a box.

Boris means Brexit. It’s a simple as that.

Look at the postal vote numbers.

So who’s entitled to a postal vote on the mainland? OAP’s in residential care, troops overseas etc., Surely the Mother of Parliaments haven’t resorted to the graveyard lists…

All the Tories must be on their holidays in Europe

Parliament has already passed a no deal Brexit by invoking article 50. If there is no extension on October 31 then it’s no deal no matter how many indicative votes are passed. Legislation supersedes all.
I wish people would stop saying parliament can block no deal

Don’t you think it suspicious in the slightest that coincidentally eight of the ten wards had exactly 750 postal votes?

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Eh! Erm it’s a bit odd looking now that you point it out. Nay, even suspicions. You’d swear they were being coached by some migratory Mick.

The postal votes heavily favoured Labour and were largely Muslim

They divided up the postal votes between each ward, so sent 750 to be counted in each and 800 odd to the last ward. Looks suspicious on first view but nothing underhand in it. However where the postal votes come from is another matter entirely.


:+1: Ah right. There’s a fair bit of talk about gerrymandering about.

It should be thoroughly investigated, we may have been unjustly deprived of a Brexit MP in Westminster to do the same trojan work as their colleagues we sent to Brussels.

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Well they’d be targeting the right voting demographic

Welcome aboard Chuka

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How to Chuka away your career 101

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People are flocking to the sensible centre ground

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Ruaidhrí’s our man in number 10.

Raab c exits

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