British Politics

Stewart is very unhealthy looking. Like a vulcan.


Boris is playing a blinder. Ignoring all media appearances and letting the others knock themselves out. The fact a no mark like Stewart is emerging as the main threat says it all. Royston Brady tried this approach a decade ago but fell short, Boris obviously learning from mistakes made by the internationally respected st Luke’s political organization

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Sajid Javid eliminated in the latest round, 2 Tories spoilt their vote. :smile:

It’s between Gove and Hunt now to see who will go up against Boris.


You couldn’t make this shit up

the most punchable face in british politics, if not worldwide and the man who redefined cockney rhyming slang, gonna be fascinating

What’s the new definition of cockney rhyming slang? You dopey hunt.

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Jeremy hunt: cunt

example of usage: she had a hairy jeremy


It’ll be Hunt but Gove would be much better craic

The bitterness between him and the fat cunt would be a joy to behold

Hunt (77) beats Gove (75) by 2 and he will advance to the final and take on Boris.



My bet is that when Johnson becomes leader he will ramp up the no deal rhetoric but in a calculated, non-fully committal way - he will either call a general election or, what he really wants, have his government brought down by Ken Clarke and Dominic Grieve etc.

He’ll want the election forced on him rather than call it himself because the narrative would suit him better - “anti-democratic Remainers denying the will of the British people” or some such bullshit

The election will be set for early October, maybe October 10th to avoid the party conferences

Johnson will hold a “summit” with Farage in which he asssures him that if he wins the election he’ll plough full steam ahead for no deal

Farage will say he has “received the necessary reassurances” and will stand the Brexit party aside in all potential Tory/Labour or Tory/Lib Dem marginal seats

The election will become the effective second referendum and the Tories will win it because Labour and the Lib Dems will split the vote, and Johnson will pretend to be Churchill (who in reality called for a “United States of Europe”)

An election win will be the “Dutch courage” Johnson needs to plough into no deal, and it will come right at the start of the new parliament

“I’m implementing the will of the British people”

It will be a disaster

The alternative scenario is: if Johnson doesn’t do any of the above and the government somehow survives to October, he will lose his nerve as regards no deal and fold

There will be another extension

Election to follow in November, Tories to be routed

But I think scenario two is much less likely

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There will not be a further extension beyond 31/10/2019. Our leader has said that the EU heads are fucked up of the UK * are are finished pussyfooting along to suit them.

It’s die dog or shite a license time for the UK.

  • As per this evenings news. He may not have used the quoted terminology but you get the jist.

Phrases like this are why I read TFK

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there was a good one on the Ian Dale show there, some lad likened the tory leadership contest to “trying to decide what pile of dogshite to step into”


Does Boris becoming PM mean it’s ok to discuss Hillsborough truthfully now?

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horrible brute of a man, hopefully he’ll be sacked


we are taking over, we smashed Labour in a by election



This concept of the “safety” of the NHS is nauseating tbh.