British Politics

the medneg of the NHS?

Owen Jones absolutely destroys Boris Johnson and the coverage of him here :clap:

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Corbyn gets his answer in Morden


Fake news, mate, it’s a photoshop from 2017

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Mark Field wasn’t the only Tory throwing his weight around against a woman last night

Calling 999 because of Boris Johnson is a lovely metaphor for the state of British politics right now

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I’d say there was banging alright.

Neighbours said there was a drunken row but when police arrived all they found was Coke

Good Roman Catholic Jacob Rees-Mogg will be the Ned Flanders to Homer Simpson when he moves into Number 11.

The cops won’t have far to go for the call out when he’s in No. 10.

The tans are getting very jumpy. Some loudmouth gets shown the door at a conference and now they’re sending fighter jets to deal with a drunk passenger.

Taking every opportunity to ramp up the militarism

The Nasty Party just keeps getting nastier

The stars are aligning for Jezza to take power.

Old people in the UK are fairly unpleasant.

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You think they’re bad on the mainland?? Best stay there then cos’ there’s some right nasty begrudging grumpy mothafuckers over here…

Just a friendly heads up now fuck off with yourself.

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Appreciate it mate. You’re wrong though. The elderly in the UK are self entitled wankers by and large.

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You could be right. I guess they can’t be all like affable sorts like Jack Duckworth or Zach Dingle.


I don’t know what would make you think that?

I see Momentum are attacking the BBC for airing a programme on Labour’s antisemitism issue tonight. I don’t expect the fluffer here to criticise this attack on the Free Press.