British Politics

Watson is getting grief for writing to some Corbynista involved in the cover ups because she has cancer and it’s bad form. Diane Abbott has called on him to consider his position.

Tom Watson obviously hates the homeless, red Tory scum etc

Diane is terrified of a fat tax.

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Just back from a talk by Diane Abbott in NUIG

She was looking trim and spoke well

She even sang a song

Ged Nash was there too (cc: of @Juhniallio)

What was the song?

‘Wrap several green flags round me’


Come out ye Black and Tans

I’d never heard it before

It was something about beer and to be honest I can’t remember the lyrics

I’d put that down to the INTERNET dulling my concentration span

Was it God Bless Charlie Mops the Man who invented Beer?

She was a fine looking bird back in the day.


The question was from a chap with a deep Cork accent

“What is your favourite socialist song?”

I’ve remembered now - it was this song

She only sang about three lines

Fro mate. You can do better.

ein volk ohne musik

Jo Swinson elected leader our party

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Equality Equality Equality



She has an almighty rack.


Imagine if a Labour Party representative had tweeted stuff like Lincolnshire Tory councillor Roger Patterson’s tweets below.

I suspect we’d be hearing a hell of a lot more about it in the UK media than we’ve heard about Mr. Patterson himself.

Can’t think why that is.