British Politics

we are smashing Labour and the tories


I see the Corbyn cult are attacking minorities now for serving in cabinet.

None of this is a difficult concept to grasp, yet you seem to have trouble with it

Be interested to hear your opinion on the comments about Corbyn above by the Tory councillor, calling for him to be “cleansed” and to “hang from the gallows”, and why no national media in the UK has covered them

Be interested also to hear your opinion on what sort of coverage any hypothetical comment in a similar vein by a Labour rep would have attracted

I obviously don’t support it.

The comments from the Corbyn cult are just standard for the brain dead element of the Left these days. Thinking they own a minorities vote, just cause. It’s a slave owners mentality really.

What percentage of the left would you say are brain dead Tim?

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Why has no national media touched the story, I wonder?

Because if a Labour rep had made such comments, you can be sure it would be all over the media, wouldn’t you agree? And rightly so.

But these comments by the Tory are nowhere.

Right wing media bias much?

What have been the consequences for the councillor in question? Any at all?

What a weird comment. I love the way you threw “cult” and “brain dead” in there. So original. And so sneering and “elitist”. Didn’t you complain about Hillary Clinton’s “deplorables” comment?

Hypocrisy much?

Strangely enough, you’ve been pushing the view that Jews can’t and shouldn’t vote for a Corbyn-led Labour for years. Jewish Labour supporters and Jewish supporters of Corbyn seem to be the wrong type of Jews as far as you’re concerned.

Did somebody say slave owners’ mentality?

I note you didn’t address the above comments I linked to.

Personally I’ve no idea why any ethnic minorities would vote for a party like the Tories who are effectively now a white identity politics party, similar to the Republicans in the US. These parties are now genuine cults.

Same reason why if I was in Britain I wouldn’t touch a party who has such little regard for Ireland, or if I was in the North, I wouldn’t touch a party who was dedicated to keeping the CNR community in their place.

That’s without mentioning the corruption and vile views of Patel on so many subjects. She’s a person who shouldn’t be near any sort of cabinet post, never mind one of the great offices of state.

12.5%, give or take

It’s on the BBC, what’s your problem?

Where did I stress the view that Jews shouldn’t vote for Labour? I said that Labour has an anti semitism problem, something that everyone except for the cultists agrees with.

For a sweeping generalisation it’s a very low figure. Is it another one of your “OECD” figures?

Are you trying to argue with the big boys again? I gave you your nibble, now clear off.

You must be a big boy Tim. You’d need to be to carry around that ego. A baseless ego considering you thought 12.5% was midtable for a Coporation Tax rate.

I shall take my leave now, unlike you I don’t get involved in debating things I have a shallow knowledge of.

Woah, a small paragraph on one regional news site?

If that was a Labour rep, what would the reaction have been?

Double standards much?

Everybody with a brain has seen through the anti-Semitism garbage about Labour by now, especially after that utter joke of a Panorama the other week. None of this is anything to do with anti-Semitism whatsoever. It’s about Israel. You don’t slavishly support Israel, and the Israel lobby will try and take you down. That’s a fact.

Same reason Trump and the Republicans get away scot free with widespread and genuinely toxic anti-Semitism, as do the likes of Orban and Duterte. Because none of this is about anti-Semitism, it’s about Israel.

There are a tiny amount of anti-Semites in Labour, duh. Every party has them, the Tories have plenty.

If Labour has a real anti-Semitism problem, it’s frequently with the likes of Euan Philipps and Margaret Hodge, who claim to be fighting anti-Semitism. Hodge is now under investigation, and rightly so, for calling a Jewish Corbyn supporter “a second class Jew”. But this is isn’t the sort of anti-Semitism you or the Tory media have a problem with.

Fact is also, the Tories are absolutely shot through with racism, including anti-Semitism, to an exponentially greater degree than Labour have a problem with it.

The Tories have formal links in the European parliament to anti-Semitic parties. Boris Johnson calls the real, toxic, anti-Semites of Hungary’s Fidesz “friends”.

Yet the Tories get away scot free.

Sayeeda Warsi is routinely dismissed when she calls out the Tories’ racism problem.

The media has no interest in covering the Tories’ racism problem. If you don’t see a problem with what’s going on here, you’re part of the problem. These aren’t so much double standards, as no standards.

More Whataboutery, it’s so cute.

Maybe post that “LSE research” into media bias again.

So, no argument, no points.

To use your own words, “so cute”.

It is somewhat amusing that the brexit faction is represented oublicly by a motley crew hailing from Turks, Czechs, Indians, irish-Americans, Americansnd Germans.

Or perhaps not. They are the public facé.

Boris Kemal is his proper name

JRM would be a terrific addition to the forum. He could while away the day discussing the vagaries of their, there, they’re and rain, reign and rein.


Your not wrong their


Run for the sun little one
You’re an outlaw once again,
Time to change superman,
He’ll be with us when he can,
In the land of make believe