British Politics

Presume she’s got some lucrative Tory advisor gig lined up. Oh wait, presenter on the Today programme, almost as good.

Cummings in as political editor?

It’s who the Tories are replacing her with is the key thing.

Jon Sopel has been mentioned. Has he any known political leanings?

Faisal Islam recently moved tho the BBC from Sky News where he was political editor and seemed to be generally fairly highly regarded by sane people.

Lewis Goodall isn’t too bad.

They should give it to Nick, he’s a grand fella.

It will make Today even more unlistenable. Nick Robinson is there already, he’s a Tory.

be some laugh if they gave it to naga

Poaching Sam Coates or Beth Rigby would be left field but a great move from the BBC. The tory paymasters would never allow it though.

Cons +8, as the Daily Telegraph tells us that shameless corruption and dumping sewage in rivers is actually fighting for the people.

Sums up the entirety the world of right wing politics, doesn’t it?

“How dare you give me a gentle tap on the wrist for my flagrant corruption!”


They’ve backtracked today after the backlash.

Paterson ‘resigns’


cant spell lucre without cruel


A shitshow


I dunno laz. I reckon the worm could turn pretty quickly.

PS. “resigns” is right. There aren’t enough inverted commas for this “resignation”
I say he only hung around long enough for a you gov poll on his by election.

The English love being ruled by their betters Lord Rees Moggy and Sir Bojo or whatever. Its in their DNA


It’s had 11 years to turn.

In the past people were somewhat open to switching their votes based on things like this.

That’s not really the case any more. It’s tribal, it’s cult like. Anything can and will be justified in the name of the Great British right wing culture war.

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Labour need to bring back Magic Granpa.

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