British Politics

I agree, and the Tories are the utterly dominant force in recent history, labour govts being an exception, but it was a perfect storm for Boris of media moguls wanting to avoid examination of their tax affairs, London and Boris swimming in purloined overseas loot, a labour leader who managed somehow to inspire fear in people, and provoked turmoil within the Labour party, and Cameron being a shallow, ill considering fool.
Boris is chipping away at his own popularity.
I have a feeling that at the next election, the angry remainders and centre leftists may vote more vigorously than the gammon and the purple faced baby booming xenophobes, as they are angrier.
Anyhow, time will tell.
Herself is applying for an Italian passport.

Non Tories are also more vulnerable to splits.

Labour and the Lib Dems will not make a pact, and the divisions within Labour will eat the party.

Starmer has been a very disappointing leader so far. It’s like he’s actively trying to alienate Labour’s base, and he is succeeding.

What he is doing is based on taking the Labour base for fools, telling them they have nowhere to go and “you’ll vote for us anyway”. He may be right and he may be wrong on that. But Labour’s base is now alienated from the party. The grass roots is hollowed out again in the way that happened under Blair, in a way that Corbyn had reversed. That is not a good place to plan an election campaign.

The news cycle now moves so quickly, and is so carefully choreographed by the UK press, over which the Tories have a large majority control, that the rest of the people, those who do not follow politics closely on a day to day basis, have developed goldfish brain, and cannot conceive of an alternative to this shitshow.

The Tories flood the zone with bullshit, and bullshit numbs brains.

This is really getting worse and worse.
The BBC reported it as a free vote, for shame.

I simply don’t believe this, unless by grass roots, you mean hard left.
Labour will never get to power without being centre left.


Well from the figures I can find the party’s membership has dropped from 562,000 to 430,000 as of the the summer just gone.

I don’t sense any real enthusiasm towards Starmer, who I think increasingly is coming to be seen as a place holder for Burnham until Burnham’s term as Manchester mayor either runs out or he leaves that role towards the end of his term.

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Was going to ask you about Andy actually. He seems to be a likeable chap.

The simple fact is people look at Burnham and see a leader who they think can win. It’s a bit like football management. It’s a bit like what people felt about Klopp before he took over at Liverpool.

Starmer by comparison is Roy Hodgson.

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He went for the leadership against Corbyn didn’t he? Or was it against Milliband?

Against Corbyn in 2015. I think he finished a distant second. But the ground has changed a lot since then and he is now seen as probably the only person who stands a chance of uniting the whole party behind him.

He’s supposedly a self serving bollox. To be expected of an English politician. An extreme opportunist, he will wait til SKS has done the heavy lifting regarding momentum, and move against him then.
I would be very surprised if political party membership isn’t on the wane generally. Many join for cheap drink in some over bright hellhole.


Burnham is another bluffer

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He’s more oily than a bluffer.

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Boris is untouchable. As we speak he has Lord Baron Frost fighting Johnny Frog to save the British seas from foreign plunder. Any fall in popularity and Macron will get both barrells. A supreme political operator.


while Starmer is a foot deep in grease.


What a shower of total cunts.

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Surely didn’t take Brexit for you to realise this?

Don’t call him Shirley.

a cracking PMQ today, finally a good bit of a scrap

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