British Politics

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Just saw Rishi Batty out in the pouring rain. Could we invade them once we get the Limerick mayoral election out of the way?

A few lads with sticks on the tower of London should consolidate our gains. We will send half a dozen experienced limerick hurlers over for the winter shift. Tipp can do summer and autumn.


You could have told them that 10 years ago.

Flagship new Tory policy, should be a hit with the gammon who fantasise that they fought in World War II.

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Mental. Death penalty will be back in the mix within a week or a change of the voting age to 21 or over.


The Tories would be better served by offering a £1000 grant to everyone who wears a cravat and smells of piss as it seems to be their only target.


Labour are making some cunts of themselves purging MPs and candidates seen as too left-wing by the leadership. Corbyn already expelled. Now Diane Abbott looks like being barred from standing along with two other MPs Lloyd Russell-Moyle and Apsana Begum and high profile candidate to unseat Iain Duncan-Smith, Faiza Shaheen.

Abbott says she’ll stand either way and I expect there’s a very good chance both she and Corbyn will win as independents.

It’s all very Stalinist.

Meanwhile fanatical Israel lobbyist Luke Akehurst has been parachuted into the safe seat of North Durham.

Country over party, always. Except that country is not Britain.


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This could develop into a problem for Starmer. It deserves to.


Jim Allister in great form on Nolan.


Starmer wants to win the election in a Blairite fashion by being in the centre. He doesn’t need chumps like Corbyn and Abbott.

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Agree rating

Starmer is a watered down Tory. Corbyn is worth 10 of him.


All well and good but Corbyn will never ever win a GE, and you don’t actually know what starmer will be like until or unless he gets a chance.
He’d be unhinged to startle the horses at this stage.


He’s becoming less watered down by the day.


It’s pretty shit that the best you can hope for is the likes of starmer and Biden and if you don’t suck it up and accept them you’ll get far worse on the other side.

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I think I asked this before, have you any good round up on the antisemitism investigations in labour? Was it all a big witchhunt?

Nobody ever said anti-Semitism didn’t exist in the Labour Party. Only anti-Semitism in Labour was ever made an issue of by the British press and polity. Anti-Semitism in the Conservative party was ignored. Institutional Islamophobia in the Conservative party was ignored and now it’s being ignored in Labour.

Much of the Labour anti-Semitism “scandal” was clearly a witch hunt in a similar manner to how we see Israel demonising anybody who opposes it as an anti-Semite. None of this was ever about anti-Semitism, it has always been about Israel.

Now Labour is controlled by a vicious pro-Israel faction.

This is the tweet Faiza Shaheen has been deselected for liking. It’s objectively true and her very de-selection proves it.

Jon Stewart has weighed in…

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