British Politics

Did they ever find any evidence of actual antisemitism on labour though? Or was it all just some said from the river to the sea and that was called antisemitic or some nonsense like that.

Perhaps you could read the report which charts how the Labour Party broke the Equality Act 2010, senior leaders interfered with complaints and many weren’t investigated at all.

This doesn’t fit into a neat little Tweet for you though I’m sorry.

I didn’t realise the Equality and Human Rights Commission would engage in witch-hunts either. Apparently they are only to be questioned by you when it’s the Jews. Indeed the Commission even juxtaposes how Labour dealt with other issues of discrimination and sexual harassment.

What is it with the likes of yourself who considers them progressive and Jewish people?

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I can have a look at the report alright. Can you post a link? So you’re saying there were actual examples of antisemitism? I didn’t follow it closely at the time and it was all very opaque I thought.

There’s also no need to be so catty all the time you know.

Of course it was opaque. That’s how the Israel lobby works. The last eight months has been an object lesson in how Israeli propaganda works. Vague insinuations, bogus eyewitness accounts, accusations of Holocaust denial because people correctly stated there was no actual evidence for Israel’s claims. The same thing was at play during the Corbyn leadership.

Very easy to find.

Read it there.

Funnily enough, one of the instances they were shown to have breached the Equality Act on had the Local Authority member describe it as a “witch hunt”. I think it was them using a Rothschild bankers meme and calling Jews a fifth column that did it.

Keir Starmer cleaning out the Marxist agitators and consigning the Communists to the dustbin of history has the usual suspects seething.

Kilmakud Krokes racist in endorsing institutional racism shock.

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Here’s arch-Israel lobbyist Luke Akehurst, who hangs around with Loyalists, who isn’t just allowed to stand for Labour, he picks the candidates.


Akehurst deleted over 2,000 tweets last Friday alone. Clearly the actions of a man with nothing to hide.

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Just had a scan of it there now. 70 complaints, two upheld. Wonder if one of them would be upheld today. Truly chilling.

Panic in the ranks, popcorn time

See also rooting strongly for FF and FG over Gavin pepper and co

Luckily enough that’s not the choice for us yet, it is for our neighbours either side of us.

I reckon the Tories main objective at this stage will be to stay ahead of the LibDems to be the official opposition

Beyond the haplessness and sheer disgrace that the Tory party is I actually reckon there’s a silent racism factor against Rishi Sunak which means the Tories could plunge to historic lows.

Now Sunak is a cunt, of course he is, because he’s a Tory, and he absolutely has tried to utilise the inherent racism at the heart the Tory support (as pretty much all Tory leaders do) but he isn’t worse than Liz Truss or Boris Johnson and in terms of his presentation as a person, he’s more difficult to hate than either of them. He’s less arrogant and more pleasant and sincere than either, and overall, less bad. This is admittedly not a high bar to cross, it’s a very low one.

The thing is, utilising racism to draw mass support doesn’t work when you’re brown. To your target racist voter, you’re just “one of them”.


Hard to disagree with that depressing but true analysis

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I think Suella is such a piece of shite she could have achieved that though.

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Braverman is about level with Johnson in terms of her uselessness and arrogance. But because she’s a brown woman, she’d be slaughtered as leader (deservedly) for the exact same stuff Boris Johnson was celebrated for.

The same would be true of Kemi Badenoch were she elected leader. A vile person for sure, but her blackness would expose her in a way which would not be the case with a white man and she would utterly bomb with the public and would inevitably be replaced as leader within a year or two.

Normally I’d say she wouldn’t be a contender to win a Tory leadership election because she’s black but with the amount of decimation within the Tory parliamentary party which will occur in this election, all bets are off. You wouldn’t know what sort of nut job they could elect as leader.

Labour’s support in this election is a mile wide and an inch deep. Starmer is a charisma vacuum and in the era of politics as dumb entertainment he’s likely to be very unpopular. If the Tories lurch further to the right after the election and become completely unelectable, which is very possible, that’s a recipe for mass dissatisfaction across the board in British politics, for US style mass conspiracism, and a monster could emerge through the gap. A more hopeful reading would be Andy Burnham comes in and becomes the major figure in the Labour party, maybe leading them into the next election after this.

Andy Burnham is a me feiner of the very highest order. An unpleasant individual with absolutely none of the decency of SKS. A weasel and a slippery chancer. He’ll do well in short.