British Politics

Nigel Falange is expected to announce shortly he’s standing as a candidate after all, probably in some shithole like Clacton or somewhere. He’s clearly had a look at the polls. If he runs I think he will get in this time.

If he stands, it raises the spectre of total wipeout for the Tories and a possible historic realignment of British politics similar to the Liberal party’s decline 100 years ago where Continuity UKIP replaces the Tories as the main right wing party. That’s an extremely scary prospect.

Actually is it? The UK has generally been centre right or centre left. The middle ground will desert the Tories completely I think if that happens. The far right vote tends to be a yapping dog.

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A fundamental misunderstanding of British history and society and of the way mass propaganda works. Also a profound failure of imagination.

Yes it is an extremely scary prospect.

Farage is becoming leader of Reform UK and is standing in Clacton. His press conference here will become even more notorious in historical terms than Enoch Powell’s Rivers Of Blood speech. He’s unleashing full Trumpism on Britain.

Britain’s history is empire, war, conquest. That is still hardwired into the white population of Britain. Britain voted for Brexit because racism and nihilism were mobilised. The British public were extremely receptive to it.

Lots of countries thought “it can’t happen here”, and they were wrong.

Starmer is a charisma vacuum. Labour could get 500 seats in this election and it will be helped in this by Farage splitting the right wing vote. But this will be a temporary thing. Labour’s support in this election will be a mile wide but it is an inch deep and within a short time after the election Labour will have become extremely unpopular.

Reform UK are already heading for 15% in the polls. The Tories are plumbing 20%. That could easily reverse and Reform could pull more votes than the Toroes. Because of the Tories’ party machinery they’ll likely take more seats than Reform, but they could be under 50. They could go lower than that. Reform might get 15-20 seats. It is even possible that Reform sweeps the Tories aside in this election, because the Tories are led by a brown man of Indian heritage who is pretty wooden charisma wise. The image of Sunak standing in the rain is the sort of thing that actually cuts through to people even in and of itself it is completely irrelevant.

What will likely happen then is that high profile Tory figures, say Rees-Mogg or Braverman, will defect to Reform and the Tories will become a skeleton of a party. Headbanger celebrities will flock to endorse Reform UK. Celebrity has ever more currency in the world of the INTERNET. Farage’s appeal is celebrity.

The Tories might then appoint Kemi Badenoch or somebody as leader and go even lower than they will be at this election. The way will then be clear for Reform and for Farage. The few remaining “moderates” in the Tory party will drift towards the Liberal Democrats. Even if the Tories appointed somebody “moderate” like Penny Mordaunt Farage will trounce her.

Farage will gain mass popularity in Northern constituencies in the same way Boris Johnson did. But he doesn’t have the toxic Tory branding that is still toxic in Northern England.

By 2029 Reform could be in a position where Farage could become Prime Minister.

We’re about to see US style mass conspiracism become a major thing in UK politics and UK society and it will be a mass movement driven by Farage. Fascism thrives on a charismatic demagogue and Farage is a classic demagogue.

I think you’re over egging it mate, honestly.


Farage is dangerous. He’s boris Johnson but he has a brain which makes him dangerous

The same thing could happen the Tories as happened the republicans.

Could, but look at the Tory predicted vote this time out following their shift to the right.

It’ll swing back at some point. If the Tories get taken over by farage et al - and they’re pretty much there already - then it’ll legitimise any amount of bullshit and lies and inevitably shift discourse that way.

A lot of that has already happened, but this may be the coup de grace that finishes the party and sees Reform replace it for good.

Who will even be around to take over the party leadership after this election?

A brain??? :joy:

Yes, overstated.

Despite the 52% brexit, there is not a sufficient vote for the UKIP/Reform types.

I said after the last election that all Starmer would have to do was avoid being caught in a dogging incident and Labour would walk the election. YouGov are tonight saying that the Tories will win only 140 seats and Starmer will do better than Blair in ‘97. That will set them up for two terms by which time a big chunk of the Brexit voters will be dead.

It’s the fptp voting that’s killing them. If they had a pr voting system, they’d do a lot better

They’ve already had May, Boris, and Truss as PMs. The tories already aren’t a serious party. It’s not like they have a long way to fall or won’t believe blatant disinformation.

A few years ago I might have said the same as you, but they keep plumbing new depths.

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May was a relatively component politician undone by an impossible ask (which she volunteered for so no sympathy on it). You can’t bucket her with Johnson and Truss.


Disagree. She was the start of the scale.

Was she ”component” (competent?). Was she not the creator of the Windrush policy? I thought she came across as a blithering, dithering idiot. Everything she was involved with turned to shit.


Correct. Coming from a civil service background, I would obviously have higher standards to judge competency than Tim.

You won’t find many government ministers for the guts of a decade without a scandal on them.

The question is whether she belongs with those other two. Quite clearly a sane view is that she doesn’t. That doesn’t mean she was an excellent politician or should be near the top of any “best of” list.