British Politics

Jeez Kinnock fairly lowered the blade on Galloway there. You could hear the panic in the presenters voice at the end trying to cut him off before anything too libellous was said😀

Kinnock is entirely correct about Galloway. Galloway is a fascist. He and his online trollbots are repulsive. He didn’t even turn up for his count last night.


That sounds like a you problem.

Reform’s total vote is 4.091 million, which 14.3% vote share on a 59.9% turnout.

UKIP got 3.881 million (12.6%) in 2015 but that was in a higher turnout election (66.4%). But it was also an election in which the Tories got 36.9% of the vote compared to 23.7% this time.

Nevertheless it’s not difficult to envisage Reform taking a lot of red wall seats next time.

A very creditable 5th place for the shinners. Might they get a question a week for that if they showed up?

I think firstly, the Brexit vote would never have occurred because governments would have become far more balanced, with coalition the norm. This usually shaves off the extremes (the only counter being that a relatively small group can hold the balance of power, but nonetheless). It would have meant that garage/BNP got a couple of seats which in truth, if you live in a democracy, their share of the vote deserved (if that’s the right word). They could have done very little with them other than yap, but they couldn’t have claimed to be outside unrepresented.
I’m pretty sure there was research published which suggested that a PR system would mean the Tories wouldn’t get an overall majority for 100 years.
FPTP lends itself to polarisation, PR leans against it.


Has to be untrue to be libel :joy:

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Starmer is giving women a lot of the top jobs so far.

That’s the way it’s gone now.


They’ll be writing books next.


You couldn’t be up to them.

Ha, I actually meant that in a good way.

This is some bullshit from Mary Lou - SF are unchanged on 7 seats after yesterday’s election. They are only the biggest party now because the DUP lost seats to other parties.

They performed very strongly in fairness. There is only one unionist seat west of the Bann and they almost took it. Any nationalist or republican winning East Derry would have been unthinkable not long ago.


Not a bad article here. Decent last paragraph or two anyway.
Them seats west of the Bann won’t be going back again either. Had the Lagan Valley arrangement been extended further, Sammy Wilson and Gregory Campbell would have been removed as well.

Another 5 years of IRA/SF trousering expenses from Westminster and not providing any representation for their constituents by absenteeism.

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Probably the last 5 years of this beautiful shithousery if that is any comfort to you.


Most Conservatives have been corruptly claiming expenses and totally absent from parliament for the last 14 years.